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The Astral Sea

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The year is 1113PC (Post Collision). An event called The Astral Collision (Page 2) changed the very course of existence itself. You find yourself becoming a crew member on the Legendary vessel known as The Jade Stalker. Under the command of Captain Myron; a large Giff man, you have worked the Stalker for 6 months. Your jobs included cargo deliveries, prisoner transports and passenger work, as well as scavenging from derelict ships and raiding Astral Stations. During a scavenging run in the Xenityne System you and your crew were ambushed by a Tyrant ship. Captain Myron called for his helmsman to run the ship as hard as he could to attempt an escape from the Beholders. As the ship sped away towards the nearest dock, one of the Eyestalk cannons strikes the helmsman, killing him instantly. The ship starts spiralling violently out of control as Captain Myron yells to brace for impact, and that is the last thing you hear before everything goes black.   One by one you awake and slowly regain your senses. You look around and all you see is most of your fellow crew dead from either the crash or the Tyrant ship. You group up and look for any more survivors but you find no one until you reach the bridge where against the railing with rifle in hand you see Captain Myron. Upon getting closer you see that he is gravely wounded. He looks at you all with a slight smirk on his face and says “get this ol’ girl spaceworthy again before i kick all your asses”. After saying this he drifts in and out of consciousness before dying as well. With your final orders given and the city of Rockbell in the distance, what do you do?.

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