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Animals - Evergreen

Adaptations to Aura

Due to the higher gravity and higher concentration of Oyxgen in Evergreen atmosphere, animals are stronger and larger than their Earth counterpatts. Auralogists studying the native animals have noted they have evolved to naturally be larger with thicker limbs and stockier bodies, but even transplanted species from Earth are able to survive under the increased gravity. This is theorized to be a result of their ability to use Aura energy passively to strengthen their bodies against the gravitational pull.   Animals that are born on Earth and brought over to Evergreen still must undergo an acclimation phase similar to the humans when they exit Earth's solar system. Some countries have banned the practice of bringing older pets and other older animals that may not survive the acclimation process due to the flu-like symptoms.  

Effects on human relations

Evergreen is a unique planet in the Auraverse, where Aura Energy has had a profound impact on the planet's animal life. Through the use of Aura Energy, creatures on Evergreen have developed a unique way of sensing emotions and thoughts, leading to a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all living beings.   One of the most remarkable adaptations seen in Evergreen's animal life is the development of specialized organs that allow them to sense and respond to Aura Energy. For example, some animals have developed specialized sensory organs that can detect the different "colors" of emotions emitted by other creatures, allowing them to better communicate and form social bonds.   These adaptations have also led to unique relationships between humans and animals on Evergreen. Humans who are skilled in using Aura Energy are able to better understand the needs and desires of animals, leading to a greater sense of cooperation and empathy between different species. In some cases, humans and animals have even formed symbiotic relationships, where each creature helps the other in mutually beneficial ways.   Overall, the unique combination of Aura Energy and empathic ability on Evergreen has created a truly remarkable ecosystem, one that is marked by a deep sense of interconnectedness and cooperation between all living beings.  


It is worth noting that the unique Aura-infused atmosphere of Evergreen has led to a somewhat unexpected development in the planet's animal life. As a result of their increased ability to sense and empathize with each other's emotions, there are relatively few predatory (carnivorous) species on the planet.   Instead, the majority of creatures on Evergreen are more docile and herbivorous, preferring to live in harmony with their environment and other species. In fact, humans are one of the few aggressive species on the planet, prone to violence and conflict due to their relatively limited ability to naturally sense and respond to the emotions of others. This has led to a unique dynamic on Evergreen, where humans are seen as somewhat of an outlier in the planet's ecosystem.


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