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AV Glasses

Augmented Vision (AV) glasses provide several layers of augmented reality over a user's field of view. They are capable of zooming over a mile away, displaying a heads-up display (HUD) with various environmental readouts, and also playing video (in full screen, split screen, or picture-in-picture in the corner of a lens) with sound via bone conduction to the occipital bone. Most common users wear their waterproof AV glasses constantly throughout the day, in the shower etc, because it gives them constant access to their social Feed.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Upgraded versions like the kind Dante wears are also capable of being programmed for simple commands (i.e. Infrared on, Open message, broadcast to nearby devicee etc) using thoughts via electrodes attached to the temple. They can also display objects invisible to the eye in the infrared, UV, and microwave spectrum, as well as night vision.


Removing AV glasses is like removing your shoes when entering someone's house. Also the image quality for videos is better using AV glasses.
Item type
Sensory / Aid
AV Glasses are ubitqituous outside of niche tech-averse cultures. AR contact lenses are much more rare and are largely banned. Av lenses for everyday use are outlawed due to privacy concerns and only those with special goverment permits are allowed to use them.


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