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Almazin was a city in the kingdom of Osheze on the continent of Iyas.


Almazin was ruled by a beaurocracy, with the governor at the top. The governor appointed those below him to their positions, who then appointed those below them, and so on, with the governor themselves being appointed by the ruler of Osheze (or their court). A member of the beaurocracy could override the decisions made by anyone ranked below them.

Industry & Trade

Almazin's primary economic support came from foreign trade and the production of finished goods, especially stone or metal work.


Almazin had always been a trading town, but its expertise in stone- and metal-working come from the rich deposits of ore beneath the city, which were mostly depleted over time.

Points of interest

The sprawling mines beneath Almazin were eventually abandoned in all but the upper layers, leaving a large and confusing network of tunnels known as the catacombs. They connect to various natural cave systems, and even to the upper Darklands, so monsters came to inhabit them. The catacombs were not believed to be hiding any treasure, so very few ever had reason to venture into them.

During the The Great Cataclysm, the catacombs became vital, allowing the populace to escape into the Darklands, meaning Almazin's people and culture almost completely survived. The humans of Almazin, specifically, went on to found the immortal underground city of Namilosa, where, thanks to the goddess Briarae, the people are not mutated by the strange magic of the Darklands.


Like most large trading cities, Almazin lay at a river delta, which is now dry, connecting it both to the inland settlements of its own nation and the rest of the world by sea. It sits in the foothills of the mountains to the east.

Natural Resources

Almazin once sat atop a large amount of valuable metal deposits, but these have been extensively mined, and now very little is left.

13 A.C.

Inhabitant Demonym


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