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Ascension Day

Ascension Day was a holiday in the Cyrdian Empire, celebrating the day Emperor Cyrdin became a lich and obtained immortality.


Ascension Day was established early in the Cyrdian Empire's history. At the time, Emperor Cyrdin had a very active role in governing the country, and was focusing heavily on controlling the people, as many rebellions were occurring after his coup. Ascension Day was meant to glorify Cyrdin and pacify the populace, with a parade that the Emperor himself attended being the most grandiose component. Over the years, however, Cyrdin's rule solidified. Eventually even the elderly were born after Cyrdin's reign began, and the people came to accept it. Without the need to actively keep control, Cyrdin began to focus more and more on his studies. Many of the restrictive laws were relaxed, and more and more Ascension Day celebrations went without an appearance from the Emperor. By the time the empire fell, festivities were quite tame compared to what they had been, and Cyrdin himself took practically no notice of the date.


By the latter half of the empire's life, large, official celebrations of Ascension Day had mostly disappeared, and the people were left to make their own festivities. Parties, especially among the wealthy, were common. Many merchants lowered their prices, as did tavern and restaurant owners. It was nearly as common, however, to not celebrate at all. Earlier in the empire, that could lead to shunning and even arrest.


Ascension Day took place on the day that Emperor Cyrdin became a lich. Originally, some of his advisors suggested having it on the day he took over the government, but Cyrdin ignored them. Having the holiday when he did served two purposes: first, it avoided drawing attention to Cyrdin's violent attack on the royal family, which many disliked, and second, it helped Cyrdin's goal to change the common fearful and hateful perception of undeath.
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