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Blink Dog

Unlike many other predators created by the magic of the Great Cataclysm, blink dogs are allied with the forces of good. Their simultaneous presence in both the material and spiritual worlds, ability to teleport, and intelligence set them apart from the ordinary hounds that preceded them.

Basic Information


A blink dog has a long, wide neck, long ears, and a bushy tail. A tuft of fur on the chin resembles a beard, and a thick mane of longer fur covers the neck.

Ecology and Habitats

Blink dogs have no established territories, and instead wander the world hunting for evil creatures.


Blink dogs are fiercely loyal to their packs and companions, defending them to the death. They keep their oaths no matter what, passing their traditions and duties to their pups. They are nearly always good, and they take it upon themselves to defend the world from any supernatural threats they come across.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Blink dogs live in packs led by a mated pair. The alpha leads the pack in their hunts, while the sage, their mate, has authority over spiritual matters, as well as being a consultant to the alpha. Blink dogs have a rich culture based around their occult knowledge of the stars. Each constellation has meaning to them, and they constantly search the sky for signs of where to go next.

Average Intelligence

Blink dogs are as intelligent as most humanoids, and have the ability to speak.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

In addition to a dog's strong sense of smell, a blink dog possesses the ability to see in complete darkness.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

While they tend to avoid other creatures, it is possible to befriend a blink dog. They most often accompany paladins and others that share their ideals of duty and protection. Those that manage to earn a blink dog's companionship will find it a loyal friend for life.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ethereal blue sheen


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