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Perhaps the most bizarre abomination to come out of the Great Cataclysm, the chimera is a fearsome, malevolent monster with an insatiable appetite.

Basic Information


A chimera is a combination of three creatures: a dragon, a lion and a goat. It has a head from each creature, the body of the lion, and the wings of the dragon. The dragon is always chromatic, and has the breath weapon of its true dragon kin. While it can be any color, the chimera itself is always chaotic.

Ecology and Habitats

Chimeras make their homes anywhere they can find prey, and are often nomadic, changing habitats once they deplete an area of resources.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While chimeras have similar nutritional needs to animals of similar size, they nonetheless attempt to devour anything in sight. A chimera can devastate the area it inhabits, killing any creature large enough to catch their attention that they come across.


Chimeras are universally wild and malicious, but powerful enough creatures may be able to press them into service. Their ferocity makes them great guards, or even mounts, but if a master shows any sign of weakness, the chimera is likely to attack.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Fortunately, chimeras lack the high intelligence of true dragons. Their dragon heads are able to speak, but they can't plan ahead in any meaningful way, or even understand the consequences of their own voracious hunger.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Chimeras have the darkvision of a dragon and the sense of smell of a lion, though they lose these abilities if they lose the head that possesses them.


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