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Cyrdian Reenactors

The Android ancestry was created by the scholars of the Cyrdian Empire and served mostly as a source of limitless manpower during the empire's existence. Their bodies are grown using a combination of alchemy and magic, then real souls inhabit them, making them fully sentient while being born as adults. They are naturally fluent in ancient Cyrdian (also known as Abranic), being able to speak, read, and write from birth.

During the Great Cataclysm, the empire was destroyed and most of its people died, including most androids. However, the cataclysm's magic caused the labs androids were grown in to warp into self-operating machines called soul forges, which create new androids completely autonomously. These labs were contained in chambers beneath Cyrdian cities, meaning most new androids inhabit the ruins of the empire. Many androids find exploring these ruins fascinating, as they can understand the writing left behind despite knowing nearly nothing about the civilization itself.

This has given rise to the phenomenon of Cyrdian reenactment. Some androids, seeing the apparent grandeur of the Cyrdian Empire as evidenced by its impressive ruins, believe that the empire is the ultimate model other civilizations, especially their own, should follow. Others believe the ruins to have been built by deities or similar entities—who may have also created the soul forges—and subsequently abandoned; these androids worship the ruins and the beings they believe built them. Still more just find Cyrdian culture fascinating and engage in it as a hobby. Regardless, the result is the same: these androids try to recreate the Cyrdian lifestyle, often with substantial innacuracies caused by their limited perspectives and the assumptions they have made based on the world they themselves live in, which is different than the one the Cyrdians lived in.


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