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These malicious fey creatures, created from the Great Cataclysm, are large bobcats imbued with the power of fire. The air around them shimmers with heat, and their eyes glow with a flickering light.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Elananxes live in forests, where they can both hunt their prey effectively and enjoy the occasional forest fire. They like to bask in the heat and smoke of these blazes, as well as the suffering they will likely cause other creatures. Some will even start fires intentionally by igniting a piece of underbrush.


Like some house cats, but with more cruelty, elananxes enjoy toying with their prey, inflicting pain and fear, and giving false hope.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Elananxes tend to hunt alone, but will sometimes gather in packs called "billows" to take down large prey.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

An elananx's fiery eyes pierce darkness.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Elananxes occasionally ally themselves with creatures that share their cruelty, such as redcaps or ignators, though these alliances are rarely permanent. If a redcap or any other small creature attempts to use an elananx as a mount, however, they will quickly find themselves on the receiving end of its cruelty, as these creatures hate being ridden.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Gray with dark stripes


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