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Elemental Heart

When the balance of the elements is out of tune, and one element becomes far more powerful than the others, often the result is an elemental heart, an enormous manifestation of elemental power which can wreak havoc on the world. An elemental heart has the power of a minor deity, being able to grant power to followers, and lesser elementals both gravitate to and spawn from the heart. Each heart has its own personality, with some being more malevolent than others.

Once an elemental heart forms, it can be weakened and stripped of much of its power if the balance of the elements is corrected, but it is incredibly difficult to completely destroy, and its presence will continue to influence the world toward its goals. For this reason, the dragon god Caihong Long works constantly to maintain the balance of elements and prevent the formation of elemental hearts.


Elemental hearts resemble enormous elementals.

Air hearts are great stormclouds that never run dry. The winds and lightning that swirl about them coalesce into air elementals.

Earth hearts are mountains that move like a disturbance in fabric, pushing the ground up as they go. When boulders fall off of them, they form into earth elementals.

Fire hearts are raging infernos that travel quickly along the ground like wildfires, even when there is no fuel. Lesser fire elementals shoot off from them like jets of flame.

Metal hearts bend, twist, and constantly change their forms. Metal elementals form from pieces that are broken off.

Water hearts are waves and whirlpools that never settle. Smaller waves they send out form into water elementals.

Wood hearts are vast forests that can move across the land. Seeds they shed grow quickly into wood elementals.

Metaphysical, Elemental


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Aug 6, 2024 19:51 by Marc Zipper

Well interesting thing to happen for not keeping the world in balance and also cool way to bring out humongous elementals to play with

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin