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Giant Worms

Giant worms are subterranean behemoths, devouring everything in their paths as they scavenge the depths of the world. These destructive creatures can shake off diseases, curses, and nearly any other harmful condition. They are descendants of the spawn of Ilusha, the worm god who emerged from the Great Cataclysm. Some mortals venerate this god and its progeny for their might. There are several varieties of giant worm.


Cave Worms

The smallest and most common of the giant worms, cave worms dwell in any underground environment, especially the Darklands.


Benthic Worms

Benthic worms are adapted for aquatic environments, and can swim and breathe underwater. They inhabit flooded caves and underground lakes and rivers, and where they tunnel, this water follows. This makes them especially hated by underground societies, who will try to kill any nearby benthic worms as soon as they discover them.


Magma Worms

Larger than cave and benthic worms, magma worms make their homes in volcanoes or underground magma pools. They have a magical connection to fire, which heals their wounds when it contacts them. This makes them especially difficult to kill, though they are fortunately quite rare.


Desert Worms

The largest of the giant worms, sometime a hundred feet long or more, desert worms are the most closely related to Ilusha, and inhabit the same enormous desert that it does. They are extremely dangerous to anyone attempting to cross the desert, but have never been seen anywhere else. They have muted brown colors that serve as camouflage in the sand.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Giant worms live underground, and their constant burrowing through the earth often leaves behind tunnels that other creatures can inhabit, though the danger of the worm returning is always present.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Giant worms have almost no intelligence intelligence, and are driven purely by instinct, to eat and reproduce. This is often the mighty creatures' downfall, as they have no way to recognize a trap, nor will they abandon a potential meal if they are outmatched.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Being accustomed to digging tunnels deep in the ground, giant worms have the ability to detect subtle vibrations in the ground to find their prey, and can also see in darkness.
Geographic Distribution

Articles under Giant Worms


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