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Gremlins are small, mischievous fey who delight in destroying, sabotaging, and ruining the creations of other intelligent creatures. While they were seemingly created from the lingering magic of the Great Cataclysm like most other magical creatures, their exact origins are unclear. Some believe them to be related to goblins—a notion which many goblins resent—though they lack any true similarities beneath the surface. Others believe them to have spontaneously emerged without a true predecessor, which is not unprecedented among the creatures of the Cataclysm. Regardless of their origins, they quickly found comfortable niches within the world. Each kind of gremlin takes joy in a different type of destruction, especially when little action is required on the part of the gremlin.



Some of the weakest of the gremlins, lacking most of the magic of their cousins, mitflits are frequently bullied into obedience by more powerful creatures, other gremlins, and each other. They are self-loathing, cowardly, and empty, and so welcome even the most oppressive of social structures. The only true friends they make are with vermin and other lowly creatures.



Pugwampis emanate a magical aura of bad luck, and they greatly enjoy watching the accidents that this causes for other creatures. Their "pranks" are cruel, and often involve things that could potentially be lethal, such as spikes, or, when not outright deadly, harmful or disturbing things like feces and spiders. Nearly deaf, they tend to yell loudly when communicating. Their faces resemble dogs', and yet they often worship the hyena-like gnolls and wish to be like them. The gnolls themselves hate pugwampis and see them as pathetic sycophants.



Jinkins enjoy stealing or tampering with machines and items, and groups of them can curse an object from a distance. They hold unreasonable grudges for perceived slights, and will enact complicated revenge plots. Especially sadistic among gremlins, jinkins will also torture and murder for fun. They prefer to enjoy drawn-out suffering rather than a quick kill, and will try to trap victims in order to slowly torture them to death. Trapping a victim in a pit and then watching them die of thirst or starvation, while the jinkins mock and torment from the edge, is an especially popular method.



These six-eyed gremlins have shells like those of a crustacean, which rattle with their movements. They like to sabotage other creatures' creations and turn them into traps. Alone, they undo the bindings on mechanisms or jam their functions, but in large groups they can take over buildings and fill them with sabotaged machinery.



Large among gremlins, but still no taller than three feet, these eerie-looking creature have hunched backs, three glowing blue eyes, and black hair which grows from their head down their back, and falls around them like a cloak. Unusually sinister, they tend not to engage in sabotage, but rather find the most enjoyment in killing, though they do still build traps. They seem to despise foes in metal armor, perhaps due to jealousy, as their strange bodies cannot fit most armor. When fighting, they try to knock creatures over, then attack all at once. Nuglubs more often live alone than in groups, as their strength allows them to bully other gremlins into submission. Argumnents between nuglubs often end with one of them dead, and they are known to indulge in cannibalism.



Grimples have an especially potent hatred of civilization, and will stop at nothing to disrupt the normal function of society. Things like letting animals loose and ruining food and water supplies are favorite tactics, and when they lack the ability to carry out schemes, they turn to vomiting on random people. They resemble a humanoid opossum with a boar's tusks and a squirrel's gliding skin flaps, but rotted and infested with mange.



These flying, aquatic gremlins resemble small rays. While not as outright malicious as others of their kind, their curiosity can draw them to almost anything they see, and they steal anything they like.



The more actively destructive variety of aquatic gremlin, fuaths climb onto ships in the dead of night to indiscriminately break things, hoping to sink the ship. Once they do, they return to the wreckage to eat the drowned sailors they find. The have the face of a seahorse and the claws of a lobster, which help them in their wanton destruction. The only other gremlins they share a language with are hanivers, and so they pay the rest of their kin little mind. They do, however, admire other evil aquatic fey and sea hags.

Basic Information


There are many varieties of gremlin, many wildly different from each other. There is little difference between males and females.

Genetics and Reproduction

Gremlins breed incessantly, and even just a few can quickly multiply. Children are raised by the entire community, and are fully grown within weeks.

Ecology and Habitats

Gremlins live all over the world, wherever there are intelligent creatures for them to torment.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All gremlins can see in the dark, and some have other strong senses such as smell.


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