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Hall of Song and Growth

The Hall of Song and Growth is a building in the enormous tree goddess Duona, attended to mostly by plantr spirits called leshies.

Purpose / Function

The hall serves as both a gathering place for the surrounding communities and as a garden where the leshies grow beautiful or rare plants. The vitality-bolstering effects of Duona help accelerate the growth of the plants and ensures they remain healthy. Those that are not used for medicine or similar purposes are often brought down from Duona's branches to the surface and replanted. Some of the leshies go on long pilgrimages to areas still left barren by the Great Cataclysm, planting there so that life may return quicker.

When not tending to the garden, the leshies and other nearby people use the hall to sing, dance, tell stories, or hold meetings. All who respect Duona and the life she harbors are welcome to participate in the activities, and outsiders with interesting stories to tell are especially loved.


The hall, like many leshy structures on Duona, was made by guiding the tree's growth into the shape of a suitable structure. Its walls are made from living wood, so the leshies never make alterations by removing material unless they are sure that Duona will not be harmed in the process.


The hall is one of the oldest structures on Duona, and its construction was begun when she was only thrice as tall as an ordinary tree. Thus, it is of deep significance to those living on the tree, and they visit it often. Historically, it has served as a place of discussion between various factions of Duona's inhabitants from across her vast boughs. Even many from outside the tree, especially performers, make journeys there.

Founding Date
Roughly 498 A.C.


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