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Horde of the White Flame

The Horde of the White Flame is a large force of warriors in the western Living Lands.


The horde is a loose allegiance of several different warlike groups. The demon Dol'ganath has the highest authority, and he meets personally with the clans' leaders to give orders and recieve reports. Each group is then ruled by its leader according to its own traditions. Dol'ganath himself serves the Demon Lord Dakoleth.


The horde includes various ancestries and ethnic groups, so there is no single shared culture. What each group does have in common is their devotion to war and conquest and their acceptance of Dol'ganath's leadership, usually because of his demonic power. Many groups and individuals have also adopted the worship of Dakoleth.

Public Agenda

The horde seeks to conquer all of the surrounding peoples and establish a kingdom of demonic worship with Dol'ganath as an immortal king.


The horde is primarily a military group, but its forces are only organized on the level of individual clans. Most of the time, warriors are simply sent charging towards the enemy to overpower them with sheer strength and numbers.

Foreign Relations

People living near the horde generally see it as a serious threat and are trying to combat it. Unfortunately, as a devotee of Dakoleth, Dol'ganath never initiates a battle that he is not sure he can win, meaning his opponents would need to attack his forces to do any real damage, something that is made difficult by the nomadic and mobile nature of the groups he commands. Keeping pace with the horde enough to actually begin an engagement has proved problematic, especially when defenses must also be ready for any sudden attacks.

Geopolitical, Band
Power Structure
Government Dol'ganath (absolute monarch)
Capital None
Population orcs, hobgoblins, ratfolk, kholos, minotaurs, lizardfolk
Languages Cthonian, Kurada
Religions Askiriq, Dakoleth, Qetrix, Vunlene; Prohibited Duona, Ilusha, Yumos
Enemies all surrounding peoples
Dol'ganath (brutal male demon warlord) servant of Dakoleth and the horde's ruler and general


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