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Horned Tiger

Like almost all animals in the world, tigers were affected by the unstable magic of the Great Cataclysm. In their case, their pelt color changed, and they grew two parallel horns on the tops of their heads, which give them the ability to sense life. They also gained an affinity for electricity, with sparks often jumping between the ends of their horns.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Horned tigers live in jungles, just like their non-magical predecessors.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A horned tiger's ability to sense living creatures obviously gives it a huge advantage when it comes to finding prey, but its bizarre coloration makes staying unnoticed difficult. Therefore, horned tigers try to stay completely out of sight of their prey for as long as possible, since they don't need to see in order to track it.


Horned tigers have little issue finding prey or evading rivals, and this leads them to be highly confident and self-assured. As a result of such pride, they are highly territorial, and most of their deaths are due to other horned tigers.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Like normal tigers, horned tigers are solitary, and meet only to mate.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Attempts to preserve the magic in the tigers' horns after death have all failed, but they are still valued due to their rarity and the difficulty of obtaining them. The same goes for their pelts, which are beautiful decorations for those wealthy or skilled enough to have them.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The horns on these tigers' heads are attuned to the energies of the positive and negative planes, allowing them to detect both living and undead creatures near them. They seem to have given up their strong sense of smell in exchange, however.
18 years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Purple with black stripes


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