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Hyperdashing is an advanced martial technique which allows the user to move at extreme speeds in short bursts. It is useful especially for fighters who focus on evasion and mobility. The technique can be powerful, but its unusual nature means that it must be taught by one who's already mastered it. The technique is uncommon, and convincing a master to teach it may be a difficult task.


When someone hyperdashes, they move nearly instantaneously to a position up to fifteen feet away, leaving a trail of glowing blue silhouettes behind them. Hyperdashing is intensive on the user, and takes training to be able to use in succession. The speed at which it happens, though, means that opponents have virtually no chance of reacting to the movement in time. Its main use in combat is to reposition while avoiding attacks.

Side/Secondary Effects

A poorly performed hyperdash can leave the user dazed and disoriented due to the intense forces exerted on them. Therefore, the technique is only taught to those with sufficiently developed physiques.


Some have theorized that hyperdashing uses ki—the natural energy of life—as the source for its energy, similar to the abundant step ki spell. This is understandable, as hyperdashing seems to be at least partially supernatural, but is difficult to prove, given that anyone can train to perform a hyperdash, even if they're otherwise unable to control their ki. Much like abilities that ordinary warriors can obtain, hyperdash is learned through training of the body.


Hyperdashing is said to have first been performed by the legendary Dyal Ayyar, a master swordsman from the continent of Eashith, who allegedly used the technique in many of his exploits. He passed it down to his disciples, and it eventually spread around the world. It is still uncommon even on Eashith, however.


The following feats are available to characters who learn the hyperdash technique.

Hyperdash (Feat 6)

Rarity Uncommon

Traits Flourish

Prerequisites Dexterity 16, expert in Acrobatics

You move a short distance, faster than the eye can see. Step three times.

Chain Dash (Feat 8)

Rarity Uncommon

Prerequisites Hyperdash

You have gained the ability to perform multiple hyperdashes in succession. You can Hyperdash any number of times on your turn, provided you have enough actions. Hyperdash still has the Flourish trait for the purpose of determining your ability to perform other actions with that trait.

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