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Iyethite is a metal with strange powers.


Material Characteristics

Iyethite in its pure form is purely white and glows softly with a pale blue light. As an ore, it appears as either a patch of lighter color in the rock or a more dense vein of nearly-white stone.

Physical & Chemical Properties

On its own, Iyethite is soft and somewhat melleable. Like gold, it does not corrode or oxidize on its own.


When mixed into steel, Iyethite slightly strangthens the alloy and gives it a sort of spiritual power. When made into a weapon, this steel can bring special harm to creatures that are normally resist the physical.

Geology & Geography

To date, Iyethite, has only been found in one place: a deposit beneath the Darklands city of Namilosa. Briarae, the goddess-queen of Namilosa, constructed her palace around this deposit and currently controls it.

History & Usage


After the Great Cataclysm, surviving humans in the Darklands began to be changed by the magic of their new environment, resulting in creatures such as morlocks, calignis, and munavri. One human woman, seeking a way to prevent this, went alone into the depths of the Darklands and came back as the goddess Briarae. She gained her divine power through the discovery of Iyethite. She has shared the knowledge of its existence with only a few of her most trusted servants.

Everyday use

Briarae keeps all the Iyethite to herself, as while the metal can be useful as a material, when eaten it grants temporary godhood to the one who consumes it. When she runs out of Iyethite to consume, she will lose her divinity. She spends more and more time alone in her palace searching for a way to make her godhood permanent.



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