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A monstrous abomination of the north with the ability to mimic the voices of its victims, the kokogiak is a mutant beast created by the Great Cataclysm.

Basic Information


A kokogiak resembles an enormous polar bear with ten legs and a disturbingly long neck.

Ecology and Habitats

Kokogiaks inhabit the same ecosystems as the polar bears that preceded them, namely, tundras and sea ice. Being adept both on land and in the water, they have little issue making their way through these environments.


Kokogiaks use a variety of strategies while hunting. They may track their prey using their strong sense of smell for days on end, or they may dive into the water to make a catch or ambush prey on land. Their most despicable tactic, however, is to cry out in the voice of a distressed creature, luring others into an ambush as they attempt to rescue them.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

While not highly intelligent, kokogiaks are cunning enough to enact deceptive tactics, and are also capable of speech.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While still possessing the extremely strong nose that polar bears are known for, kokogiaks also have incredibly sharp night vision, allowing them to see in darkness.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking


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