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Mel's Survival

While the stories of the valiant efforts made by the Lost Heroes before the Great Cataclysm have mostly been lost to history, there are some descendants of the cataclysm's survivors who still sing their songs. While these stories do not reflect an accurate history of the heroes' actions, they still keep the broad strokes intact. This has led to some speculation as to the fate of Mel, the android warrior of the group.


There are various versions of the stories which claim that Mel survived in some way. The most common version is that her body still exists somewhere in a dormant state, perhaps still badly damaged, though whether her soul still inhabits it or not is not consistent. Some instead claim that she underwent Renewal and new souls have been inhabiting her body like any other android. In such a case, the new androids would have no idea who Mel was, and what she looked like is unknown, so there would be no way to find her.

Other tales of Mel's survival are more unusual. Some people believe that she was rescued from death by the android god Ulem, and even that he made her his herald. Given that the secretive god has not been seen even once since killing Phodr, this might explain why Mel's body has never been found at the site of the battle with the titan. Some additionally choose to believe that she and Ulem fell in love, seemingly just because they personally find the idea appealing, and not based on any kind of evidence. Some of Ulem's worshipers believe this, but those he has actually granted power to tend to discourage such notions, implying that the idea is likely false.

A small number of people believe that Mel survived because she never actually fought the titan in the first place. These tend to be people with prejudices against androids, who elevate Ignis's heroism while downplaying Mel's, claiming she turned coward and left Ignis on his own. Androids tend to find this offensive at best.

Historical Basis

The speculation that these stories engage in is mostly due to the fact that Mel's body has never been located, combined with the fact that an android could theoretically live forever.

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