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Okan Islands

The Okan Islands are a set of islands which float in the sky. They formed during the Great Cataclysm, when a titan unleashed destructive magic that blasted several mountains into pieces. The magic caused the pieces to rise through the air until they stopped and began floating at their current altitude. The islands slowly drift around the planet.


The islands range in size from dozens of miles across to a few hundred feet or less. The largest island sits in the center, with the five next largest surrounding it in a ring. They tend to have very uneven surfaces, as they were formed from what is essentially rubble, and the sides of some are so steep that standing on them is nearly impossible, but vegetation has pulverized some of the rock into soil, leaving the larger islands more flat-topped. When the islands pass through a cloud, the water often collects on their surfaces, feeding small lakes and rivers that sometimes run off the side of an island.


The Okan islands have a strange ecosystem as a result of their location and how they were formed. The destruction of the titan killed essentially all plant and animal life on the mountains that formed them, and while spores and seeds allowed grass, and even trees, to return rather quickly, among animals, only species that could reach the islands were able to inhabit them. As a result, birds and other flying creatures are essentially the only creatures living on the islands. Most are too small to regularly fly to the planet's surface and back, and therefore live on the islands permanently, but the enormous rocs, as well as some dragons, use the islands as a dwelling while they hunt far below. This has allowed non-flying insects to reach the islands by being carried on the bodies of prey.

Localized Phenomena

The magic that allows the islands to float is ingrained into the rock, and also has a slightly aelf-attracting attribute. This means that a piece of stone thrown while standing on an island will fall normally, but if its path takes it off the edge, it will begin to float. Very small pieces of material will naturally return to a larger mass, so the islands' sizes are maintained.


The sheer altitude of the islands means that they rarely experience rain and only the highest clouds are above them. The wind, however, is near constant and can become strong enough to blow even medium-sized creatures around. Occasionally, the islands pass through a tall stormcloud which is intense and dangerous to any creatures that don't find shelter. The temperature is generally mild as despite the thin air, there is lots of direct sunlight.



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