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Phodr - Nation

The land of Phodr, named for the living god that protected it, was a humble nation in the south of Yiaroth. In tune with the land and nature, it consisted of lightly forested plains and small, communal settlements.


Phodr was a kingdom, ruled by a monarch elected by a council of representatives appointed from across the nation. The god Phodr's oversight nearly always ensured a peaceful transition of power, although the process could take months. The monarch technically had absolute power during their reign, but any monarch who became too tyrannical would lose Phodr's favor, after which a rebellion was sure to come, which seemed to always obtain victory no matter how overwhelming the odds against them.


Over time, Phodrans' views came to be roughly in line with their god's. Most valued the natural world and the people in their communities, and would fight fiercely to protect their home. They despised oppression, and those that left the country often did so to covertly pursue universal freedom in the wider world.


When the god Phodr was born, the land that would come to be named after him was in turmoil, under the control of numerous local warlords. Phodr and his clerics worked tirelessly for decades to bring peace to the land, slowly converting people to his side until they gladly rallied around him to form a new nation. Phodr had a few internal conflicts since then, but they have were mostly short, and the nation was largely peaceful.


In 1 B.C., the god Phodr died, and the defenses that the land itself would erect around the nation crumbled. The Cyrdian Empire quickly siezed the opportunity, conquering the weak and inexperienced nation in only a few months. This was of little consequence in the end, however, as the The Great Cataclysm began the next year, destroying civilization on most of Nerilia.


Phodr's military was competent but not overbearing. Phodr protected his people from large-scale threats, but encouraged them to be as self-sufficient as possible. Therefore, Phodran warriors were skilled, but they lacked the technological power or powerful servants and steeds of their neighbors. This would lead to their quick defeat at the hands of only a small force of elites from the Cyrdian Empire.

Technological Level

Technologically, Phodr was far behind its neighbors, feeling no need to participate in an arms race against other nations. The only firearms in the country were imported, and there were few of them.


Phodr did not demand worship from his people, allowing them to worship or not worship as they liked. He was even tolerant of worshipping evil deities, as long as the worshipper didn't bring others harm because of it. The government, however, did outlaw worship of evil deities, a fact that most of the people didn't mind. The most common religion by far was Phodr's, but worship of Erastil and Gozreh were also common.

Foreign Relations

Phodr's only meaningful foreign relations were with its two neighbors: Upriel and the Cyrdian Empire. The nation had positive trade relations with each, but was politically distant, and didn't tend to take sides in nearby conflicts. With the protection Phodr offered, neither of the warlike countries was a threat. The people of Phodr tended to respect Upriel's martial prowess, and many Phodrans traveled there to learn combat skills. Most Phodrans despised the Cyrdian Empire's continual conquest, seeing it as an affront to freedom and a meaningless waste of life.


Phodr, and the criminal justice system he endorsed, tended to be rather forgiving. The death penalty was never imposed on a first offense, and was reserved only for the most heinous crimes. Slavery was banned outright, and this law was the only one that the god Phodr unconditionally demanded of the government.

Trade & Transport

Phodr was entirely self-sufficient when it came to food, and even produced enough to export. Weapons and armor were often imported from their neighbors, as well as luxuries like art or textiles.


Phodr's land had little infrastructure to speak of, with most roads simply being well-trodden footpaths. Larger towns sometimes had developments like running water, but not universally.
humans, elves, gnomes
Common, Elven, Gnomish
Abadar, Desna, Erastil, Gozreh, Phodr

1030 B.C. - 1 B.C.

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Notable Members


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