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Created by the intersection of fire and vitality magic after the Great Cataclysm, the graceful phoenix is both revered and feared by cultures across the world. Their wisdom and healing ability is highly sought after, but their destructive power is equally awe-inspiring.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Phoenixes tend to dwell in hot, remote areas like deserts. Their weakness to cold prevents them from living too far from the equator or too high.


Phoenixes value knowledge above all else, and often travel far from their lairs to find it. Good phoenixes enjoy learning from others and sharing their own knowledge in exchange, while evil phoenixes often take knowledge by violently attacking libraries, burning the tomes after they've read them in order to hoard the knowledge to themselves.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Phoenixes live alone, but often make connections in pursuit of knowledge. While they commonly associate with dragons due to the long lifespans they share, they can also befriend shorter-lived races, or even attach themselves to a community such as a university.

Average Intelligence

Phoenixes are highly intelligent, and nearly all brilliant scholars. Some are known to be followers of the god Yher, due to his doctrine of seeking knowledge.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Even a phoenix's eyes are imbued with the power of flame, piercing both darkness and invisibility. They also possess the innate ability to detect magic near them.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Orange, white, or blue


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