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Unlike most arctic predators, the canine snowshade forgoes camouflage, having dark black fur which contrasts strikingly with a snowy backdrop. A solitary hunter, it uses this unorthodox appearance for intimidation, appearing on its prey's horizon and relentlessly pursuing it until it can chase it down. While they were once mundane beasts, many believed them to be magical anyway, and when they survived the Great Cataclysm, they gained power over shadows, befitting their name.

Basic Information


A snowshade resembles a wolf with a larger frame and longer snout. Their feet are wide so as to give them greater traction on snow.

Biological Traits

Snowshades have extraordinarily high stamina, even compared to their relatives who employ similar endurance hunting tactics. A snowshade can chase its quarry for up to a week without ever stopping to rest.

Genetics and Reproduction

Snowshades mate at the end of winter and give birth in the spring. A mother will usually give birth to a litter of two or three pups.

Growth Rate & Stages

Snowshades reach maturity after a period of roughly two years, though they are independent from their mother by the end of their first summer, at which point they are the size of an ordinary wolf. They catch smaller prey until they reach a large enough size to begin hunting large beasts.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A fully-grown snowshade hunts large prey, using its dark silhouette to startle its prey from afar, then chasing the prey down as it flees. If its prey ever stops to eat or rest, the snowshade will attack, so most creatures will try to either fight back or outmaneuver it by finding someplace to hide. If the snowshade successfully pursues the prey, it will eventually become too tired to continue running, and the snowshade will kill it.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Much like their cousins, snowshades have a strong sense of smell and sight, though they rely more on their eyes for following prey.
15 years


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