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Tales of the Cataclysm

The Great Cataclysm laid waste to civilization and left the world forever changed, and while its effects were felt by all, only the Cyrdian Empire knew the truth of what the titans were and where they came from. As a result, the rest of the world had to make their own assumptions about what was happening, coming from the frame of reference of their individual cultures. These stories are most of what remains of any information about the cataclysm, especially to the new ancestries that arose afterward, which have mostly heard of it from orcs and goblins. As these tales have been told to generations of people who had no frame of reference for what the world used to be like, they have become less and less accurate, but the presence of dead titans' remains across the world means that they have rarely been taken out of the stories.

The most common interpretation of the cataclsym is as some form of divine punishment for the wrongdoings of mortals. Especially in the midst of the cataclysm, the titans' power seemed deific in scope. Few mortals could stand up to them in the slightest, and only one fully-grown titan was ever defeated. This has some basis in truth as the synthetic titans were based off of even more powerful ancient beings, the first creations of the gods. Individual cultures with different values have different ideas on what the mortals did (or failed to do) that would anger the gods so. Additionally, some believe that the cataclysm was all that this punishment entails, while others claim that the titans were meant to destroy all mortal life on Nerilia, but something outside the gods' plans caused their deaths. Most often, this is believed to be some benevolent third party, but other versions feature more nebulous forces at play.

Date of Setting
0 A.C. to 75 A.C.
Related Ethnicities


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