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Vidona Vine

The vidona vine is a rare, magical plant that began to appear after the Great Cataclysm. It grows only in the hearts of wild places, especially forests, and produces a single fruit. This fruit is about twice the diameter of a human fist, and consists of a core, which glows a soft yellow-green, surrounded by a web-like layer of green plant matter. Consuming the fruit grants spellcasting abilities. A fruit can take decades or centuries to regrow after being picked, if it does at all.

Vidona (Sorceror Bloodline)

You, or perhaps one of your ancestors, consumed a vidona fruit, granting you a connection to nature.
Spell List primal
Bloodline Skills Nature, Survival
Granted Spells cantrip: tangle vine; 1st: heal; 2nd: entangling flora; 3rd: wall of thorns; 4th: vital beacon; 5th: plant form; 6th: tangling creepers; 7th: regenerate; 8th: moment of renewal; 9th: overwhelming presence
Bloodline Spells initial: reinforced vitality; advanced: natural pathway; greater: biting vines
Blood Magic Life energy seeps into your body and heightens your connection to nature. Either you gain temporary hit points equal to the spell's level for 1 round, or you gain a +1 status bonus to Nature checks for 1 round.  

Reinforced Vitality (Focus 1)

Traits Uncommon, Sorcerer
Cast manipulate; Trigger An effect within range that you can see causes a Fortitude saving throw.
Range 100 feet; Targets creatures you choose that are affected by the triggering effect
A burst of vitality bolsters the defenses of those you choose. Each target gains a +2 status bonus to their Fortitude saves against the triggering effect. If the triggering effect is a disease or poison, increase the status bonus to +4.  

Natural Pathway (Focus 3)

Traits Uncommon, Sorcerer
Cast manipulate
Duration 1 minute
Natural obstacles make way for you as you move. You ignore natural difficult terrain (such as underbrush).
Heightened (5th) You also ignore natural greater difficult terrain.  

Biting Vines (Focus 5)

Traits Uncommon, Plant, Sorcerer
Cast concentrate, manipulate
Range 60 feet; Area 20-foot radius on the ground
Saving Throw Reflex
Countless thorny vines grow in the area, grasping at creatures within. The vines deal 6d6 piercing damage. Each creature in the area must attempt a Reflex save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected
Success The creature takes half damage
Failure The creature takes full damage and a -10-foot circumstance penalty to its speeds for 1 round
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is immobilized for 1 round or until it Escapes
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.


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Aug 14, 2023 20:06 by Deleyna Marr

Seems very useful for your adventures!
