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Vunetania's Passing

Vunetania is a large celestial object in the planet Nerilia's solar system. Roughly 15% of the diameter of Nerilia, it inhabits a highly elliptical, chaotic orbit, and occasionally passes near enough to be visible in the night sky. This typically lasts several months, with Vunetania starting as a faint speck, and slowly getting larger and brighter until it occupies a notable portion of the sky (at most, a bit less than the sun). This phenomenon has been known to exist for more than a thousand years, but only happens, a most, once every few hundred years.

Reactions to Vunetania' Passing vary from culture to culture, but most regard it with passing fascination, before moving on. A few believe it to be a bad omen, while others see it as a holy event. Some even worship the asteroid for as long as it remains visible in the night sky. Each time Vunetania passes, there are those who claim to feel a divine connection from it, however faint. Strangely, not all of them are its worshipers, which has led some scholars to speculate that Vunetania may truly be connected to the gods.

The truth, however, is much stranger and more sinister. Vunetania does not originate in Nerilia's solar system, and was once a small planet with a vibrant ecosystem. It was found, however, by Shydar, a god of death and decay, who eventually brought an end to all the life on the vulnerable planet. The goddess Desna found out about this, and together with Sarenrae, they attacked Shydar. He was more powerful than they anticipated, however, and they had to resort to imprisoning him on Vunetania and casting it into the Dark Tapestry between stars. They did not realize, however, that the malevolent god was not fully contained and, over millennia, has influenced Vunetania's path to bring it to another life-harboring star system: the one Nerilia is a part of.

Some scholars have noted that the intervals between Vunetania's Passing have gotten shorter. This is no mistake. Eventually, Shydar's influence will pull Vunetania into orbit around Nerilia as a moon.



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Aug 14, 2023 15:48

This is concerning, and I would like to say it won't be my problem but this army is gonna milk my soul and body as much as they can, long after I die.