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Worship Service to Briarae

The large underground city of Namilosa in the The Darklands houses most of the last humans and halfling, the descendants of those who survived the Great Cataclysm. While the strange magic of the Darklands would normally mutate the humans and halflings (who are more vulnerable to this than most ancestries) into other forms, this is prevented by the presence of the goddess Briarae. Most of the city's inhabitants worship her as a result, and the city takes official ceremonies to her very seriously.


The cleric who leads the service spends most of the day before (along with some assistants) conducting a divine ritual which bathes the temple in soft, pale blue light. The light has a calming effect, and those who willingly attend the service and intentionally calm themselves as well will often have the effect amplified until they enter a sort of trance. During the servive, which can last anywhere from an hour to a whole day, the cleric and their assistants recite prayers and liturgies, most of which are dedicated to thanking the goddess in one way or another for the gift of the human (or halfling) form and mind.

Components and tools

The interior of a temple of Briarae is always mostly white, whether it is made completely from marble like the oldest buildings in Namilosa, simply has a marble veneer, or is painted. The white walls serve to reflect the ritual's light and enhance the effect. If the ritual is conducted in an improper location, the light is often barely visible and has little effect.


The service must always be led by a cleric of Briarae, as, having recieved power from her, only they are trusted to correctly execute her will when it comes to such an important form of worship. The cleric usually has assistants, who may be clerics themselves, but at the very least are studying to become them.


Typically, temples hold services once per month, with special, additional ones on important dates.


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