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Cauthoojs are large, flightless birds known for their magical songs which can bring others to madness, forcing them to attack their allies or themselves. They came to be when ostriches or other similar creatures were warped by the Great Cataclysm's magic.

Basic Information


Cauthoojs have longer beaks than ostriches, and their tail feathers don't have nearly the same volume. They move with a bizarre, hopping gait but are nevertheless surprisingly agile.

Ecology and Habitats

Cauthoojs lair in isolated caverns or alcoves, but hunt and claim territory in open areas like plains or prairies.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Cauthoojs are predators, and can hunt anything with enough intelligence for them to detect and control. Their preferred prey, however, is humanoids.


Cauthoojs are patient. They stalk areas their prey is likely to pass through in order to ambush them.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Cauthoojs are somewhat solitary, but their large territories often overlap.

Average Intelligence

While not able to speak, Cauthoojs can understand some Sylvan, and are more clever than they look. They often try to imitate the sounds of humanoid speech, resulting in their signature song.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A cauthooj can detect the imprints of sentient creatures' minds, meaning that only mindless beings are capable of fully hiding from them.


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