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One of the many bizarre, mutated creatures that resulted from the ambient magical energy after the Great Cataclysm, griffons are adept hunters both on land and in the air.

Basic Information


Griffons have the hindquarters of a lion or other large cat, and the wings, head, and forelimbs of an eagle or other bird of prey.

Ecology and Habitats

Being so large, griffons are unable to hunt in forests or other crowded environments. They tend to nest in high mountains where their eggs are unlikely to be found, and they hunt both in mountains and plains.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Griffons can hunt with the techniques of either their lion or eagle half. They may dive out of the air and pick up their prey, or hide behind cover before pouncing. They often leave their prey alive, carrying them away to eat somewhere secluded. When they feed their chicks, however, they always make sure their prey is dead first.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Griffons are mostly solitary, usually meeting only to mate, but in the right circumstances they can form bonds with humanoid trainers or other griffons. When they do, they are highly loyal.

Average Intelligence

Griffons are more intelligent than most beasts, and can be trained, but are still well below human intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like the birds they're made from, griffons possess keen eyesight, and are also able to see in the dark, making them especially dangerous at night. Despite their head being that of a bird, they also have the strong sense of smell of their lion half, which is stronger than a wolf or bear's.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Training griffons is a difficult, time-consuming process, but the result, a highly mobile, loyal mount able to hold its own, is often worth it. Rulers with multiple griffons in their forces are respected and envied by their peers.
15 years


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