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Men of Kassim

Centuries before the Great Cataclysm, in the south of the continent of Iyas, lived a man named Kassim who ruled the kingdom of Iuswa. He was a wise king, and he became a hero to his people after he led his army to victory against a far larger invading force from the neighboring nation of Etral, then he further cemented his legacy by single-handedly slaying a dragon who had been terrorizing his western borders.

In the interest of his people, Kassim took a journey to see the god Yher, and asked for a prophesy regarding the wellbeing of Iuswa. As most of Yher's prophesies, the answer he got was vague, telling him that there would come a time when, if he was not there, his country and all memory of it would be destroyed. Kassim was greatly distressed by this information, and he sought a way to protect his country from annihilation.

In order to ensure that he could protect his people, Kassim ordered a mausoleum be built, carved into the side of a mountain. He took his most trusted men inside, and his servants conducted a ritual, sealing them inside in a timeless slumber. A magic drum was given to his son and successor, to be passed down until the time the prophesy spoke of arrived. Beating the drum before the doors of the mausoleum would cause the seal to break and Kassim and his men to awaken, at which point they could face whatever crisis Iuswa was facing to save the kingdom.

When the cataclysm came, the current queen of Iuswa, Kassim's descendant, recognized that the titans were too great a threat for even Kassim and his men to defeat, and elected not to awaken them. Hoping that one day someone after the cataclysm might find the drum, she buried it along with instructions for its use, so that when Kassim woke, he and his men could reestablish Iuswa, and thus its memory would not be destroyed.



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Aug 19, 2024 00:55 by Marjorie Ariel

I love the fairytale type telling of this article. I particularly like the fact that the prophecy could be argued to be self-fulfilling, as the kingdwom was destroyed and perhaps, forgotten, at least until someone finds the drum. Good plot hook.

Aug 19, 2024 19:07

Thanks. Yes, I am leaving it for my players to find and possibly resurrect the kingdom.