The banished shores Major events of the world Timeline

Major events of the world

Ancient Era

  • -75000 AE

    The Birthing
    Era beginning/end

    In the beginning, after the initial chaos of creation, and the defeat of the primal beings, life finally took permanent root in the prime material plane, guided by the deities sentient life had started to emerge that was unaffiliated with any of the 4 Primals.

  • -70000 AE

    Start of The Dawn War

    Drawn to the prime material plane by the emergent sentient life, the devils of the hells and the demons of the abyss started rampaging across the planes. The gods stepped in, fighting the fiends with their newly created armies of angelic beings.

  • -46000 AE

    End of The Dawn War
    Military action

    After Eons of fighting the fiends were finally banished to their home planes, the gods were victorious, but the war had left permanent scars and marks on the world and those who lived there.

  • -44000 AE

    The Reconstruction begins

    Having their hopes that the world would recover on its own shattered, the gods started to personally interfere to order and repair the fragile material plane, creating and dividing and nurturing the earth, waters, sky, energies and souls on the plane.

  • -25000 AE

    The division

    The gods, now aware of the fragile nature of the material plane divides all the planes with hard boundaries between them, completely cutting the material plane off from the rest, making travel impossible without the use of powerful magic.   They also ordered them into the categories they are in now, the outer, the inner, the lower and the upper.

  • -15000 AE

    The Elves Develop
    Life, Birth

    The Elves as we know them today emerges as a people.

  • -12000 AE

    The Veil Created

    The gods finish creating the veil to protect the planes from the rampant energies of the void and the outer cosmos, while still letting some of these energies flow into the space between the planes; The Aetherium Sea.   This allowed mortals and other beings to access the veil and use powers they did not have before, arcane magic was born.

  • -10000 AE

    The First Archmage
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Shortly after the mortals had gotten access to the veils powers many started to experiment with the arcane, but none were as talented and powerful as Mystra, the first archmage, the sorceress supreme, the prime magistrix.   She used the young arcane energies to prolong her life almost indefinitely.

  • -5000 AE

    The 2nd cataclysm
    Disaster / Destruction

    As magic became more and more common, the wild energies started rampaging through the planes, ripping the veil in several locations, and opening the way between some of the planes. This caused mayor disruption in the material plane, prompting the gods to step in and restrict the use of magic as best they could.

  • -2000 AE

    The dwarves emerge
    Life, Birth

    The first dwarves emerges from the hills and the mountains.

  • -300 AE

    The gods Retreat

    The 5 old gods, weary of their constant worrying over the fragile mortals retreat fromĀ  their duty, leaving to the outer cosmos to sleep, waiting for the day where they will need to fight the primal beings once again.

The First civilization, The First Era

  • 1 FE

    The First civilization

    The Elves, Dwarves and other elder races start gathering together in larger societies and cities, creating the first real civilization with blossoming politics, culture, art and architecture.

  • 1145 FE

    Mystra Passes on her knowledge and vanishes

    After having lived for over 10 millennia, Mystra shares her accumulated knowledge with some of her pupils and then she leaves mortal society for a time.

  • 2959 FE

    Mystra accends

    Mystra ascends to divinity as the first mortal.   This reawakens the other gods for a time.

  • 5120 FE

    6600 FE

    The First mage-war
    Military action

    With more and more powerful mages gathering in larger and larger groups with differing opinions on everything from the best use of magic to how a state should be run war erupts. And this war is most terrible with powerful spell casters decimating entire armies or cities by a wave of their hands. This is a time where 9th level spells areĀ  simple spell in the arsenal of the powerful casters that wield powers unheard of today, spells that can only be classified as 11th and 12th level spells are hurled at opposing forces daily.

  • 5755 FE

    The Great sundering
    Disaster / Destruction

    The powers released by the mages during the war causes great destruction, making the world itself fall apart, shifting the continents, raising mountains and forever destroying and scaring great swaths of the world.

  • 6800 FE

    Mystra returns

    In the wake of the first mage-war Mystra returns to the prime material plane in her new divine form to set things straight and to show the mortals that they had gained her ire.

  • 7000 FE

    9000 FE

    The Ordering of Magic
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    In order to avoid the destruction wrought by the mage-war, Mystra sets out to reorder the magic of the world, making it act differently.   With the help of the other gods she reforms the veil into a weave instead, letting magic flow more freely into the material plane and the other planes, but makes it so one person only can hold so much of this power.   SHe also divides the natures of magic, such that the magic of the gods, the magic of nature, and the raw arcane power of the weave become separate different entities entirely.

  • 8000 FE

    The first Human civilization emerges

    As the Ordering of Magic is under way, the order and peace allows the first fledgling human civilization to form.

  • 9018 FE

    Mystra's vindication
    Religious event

    After the Ordering of Magic the other gods finally welcome Mystra into their mid, and she also sends down rules and commandments to avoid the decimation of the First Mage-War to repeat itself.

  • 9500 FE

    Celebrimbor and Muradin assends
    Religious event

    Within a short time between each other to two legendary craftsmen ascend to godhood alongside Mystra.

  • 10000 FE

    Myrkul Ascends
    Religious event

    The Tyrant Myrkul ascends to divinity, much to the annoyance of the other divines. Though his dark temper and cruelty will prove useful for them down the line.

  • 11000 FE

    16000 FE

    The Golden age of magic
    Era beginning/end

    With magic ordered and the world in relative peace a golden age of arcane discovery and development begins. This era saw the creation of many of the signature spells known today as well as many legendary magical artifacts. It was also a time of incredible art and culture.

  • 15000 FE

    The Raven Queen Ascends
    Religious event

    Not much is known about The Raven Queen before she ascended, not even her name. The only thing the scholastic community can agree on is that she saw the destruction of the necromantic arts in much of the world at the time before she ascended.

  • 15200 FE

    Selƻne Ascends
    Religious event

    Selƻne ascends to divinity, rather than doing so through her own skills she is uplifted by Mystra herself.

  • 15500 FE

    Olladra and Lok Ascends
    Religious event

    The Golden age of magic saw the arcane be used in a variety of ways, and so the tricksters Olladra and Lok ascended to divinity through guile and cunning rather than magical talent.

  • 16200 FE

    Talona and Arwena Ascends
    Religious event

    At the end of the golden age of magic some had found ways to circumvent the restrictions of the weave by practicing dark magic, one of these practitioners, Talona, ascended to divinity in a time where strife and conflict were reemerging, and her influence only hastened this development.   Around the same time Arwena ascended to divinity.

  • 16500 FE

    16752 FE

    The 2nd Mage-war
    Military action

    Due to growing tensions between magic users, the flourishing practice of necromancy and other dark magic the 2nd mage-war erupts at a meeting of the 5 wizard-kings.

  • 16595 FE

    Heironeous Ascends
    Religious event

    While the 2nd mage-war rages, the legendary commander and battle-mage Heironeous ascends to divinity.

  • 16752 FE

    17072 FE

    The Abyssal invasion
    Disaster / Destruction

    The conflict of the 2nd mage-war garners the attention of the forces of the Abyss, that then use the small cracks in the weave created by the powerful battle-spells to open doors to invade the material plane. quickly the 2nd mage-war evolves into a battle for survival as the mortals must band together to fend of the demonic invasion.

  • 17087 FE

    17359 FE

    The 2nd celestial/infernal War
    Military action

    As the forces of the Abyss has been beaten back, the mortals get almost no time of respite as the powers of the 7 hells are now the ones standing ready to take over the world instead.   the now 11 divines gather together and take charge of the angelic hosts and lead the charge into the material plane to defend the mortals, leading to the 2nd war between the heavens and the hells.

  • 17201 FE

    Ioun Ascends
    Religious event

    In the wake of the fiendish invasions Ioun, the 12th divine, ascends to join forces with the other 11

  • 17348 FE

    17410 FE

    The Great war of the races
    Military action

    As peace settles after the fiendish conflicts the races band together to lick their wounds, but the conversation about who to blame starts flourishing, this conversation becomaes allegations, which becomes diplomatic incidents which means all out war.

  • 17410 FE

    The Weave restrictions start

    Feeling the job had not been complete enough the first time around Mystra further tightens the weave, allowing less magic to flow into the material plane, so as not to allow as much power to be siphoned as quickly as before, it also completely cuts off some people from the weave, while others get innate connection to it.   This makes it so the highest level spell a single caster can cast is what we today call a 9th level spell, which is still only available to the most gifted among mortals. While higher level spells are still able to be cast as a group effort, it takes much longer to do so and much more risky.

  • 17480 FE

    The Councel of the 12
    Gathering / Conference

    After the last couple of centuries of turmoil, the 12 most powerful of the divines gather to find a way to stem the tide of chaos, they elect to reside in the mortal plane, taking a hands-on approach to governing the mortals.   Together the 12 gods also siphon the power of the 5 elder gods to increase their own power, making sure they are diminished as they slumber, unable to wake up, in the void.

  • 17483 FE

    The Divines settle as rulers
    Era beginning/end

    The Divines settle in the mortal plane, each in their own magnificent palace, where cities and communities quickly emerge around them. The divines are there to ensure peace and to control the darker and more chaotic tendencies of the mortals, tendencies they feel they are beyond.   During this period The divines become the cornerstone of all society and civilization, as they live among the mortals many semi-divine races and beings also come into existence, as the divines mingle with the mortals, as well as experimenting with their own creative divine powers. They gather all knowledge, art and power in the hubs of their temple-palaces located around the world.   But peace does not last as the divines fall prey to the same follies the mortals are due to fall prey to, they bigger amongst each other, they fight and send their followers to kill each other in acts of rage and jealousy.

The Divine Era

  • 1 DE

    The Divines settle as rulers
    Era beginning/end

    The Divines settle in the mortal plane, each in their own magnificent palace, where cities and communities quickly emerge around them. The divines are there to ensure peace and to control the darker and more chaotic tendencies of the mortals, tendencies they feel they are beyond.   During this period The divines become the cornerstone of all society and civilization, as they live among the mortals many semi-divine races and beings also come into existence, as the divines mingle with the mortals, as well as experimenting with their own creative divine powers. They gather all knowledge, art and power in the hubs of their temple-palaces located around the world.   But peace does not last as the divines fall prey to the same follies the mortals are due to fall prey to, they bigger amongst each other, they fight and send their followers to kill each other in acts of rage and jealousy.

  • 17518 DE

    The Divines disapear
    Era beginning/end

    After millennia of the divines living with the mortals they suddenly those to disappear, leaving the material plane, why they did so, know one knows. Some think it might be because they felt their presence did not give the protection they had hoped, as they became the source of conflict themselves rather than an eternal stopper of it.   In any case they left along with all their divine entourage as well as most of what was in their palaces. the cities and towns around these quickly fell to ruin as the ones living there became desperate and depressed and left each for their own reason.

Post Divinitus

  • 1 PD

    1001 PD

    The Long Sorrow
    Cultural event

    After the divines disappeared a period of chaos and confusion that lasted for several generations followed. The first to recover were the shorter lived races, who created societies around the last remnants of divinity; The Aasimar.

  • 1500 PD

    4999 PD

    The time of loss

    Civilization had begun to reestablish itself in the wake of the disappearance of the divines, but much of the societal structure, knowledge and stability that had been was lost over the next millennia. Some societies reverted back to becoming primitive hunter/gatherer societies while other held on to some level of civilization. In all cases the former bastions of the divines were abandoned, forgotten and left to decay to ruins.

Aesimic Era

  • 0 AeE

    21 AeE

    The Temple-Palace of Genoarad
    Construction beginning/end

    The construction of the Temple-Palace of Genoarad marks the start of the Aesimic Era proper. The temple-palace was for a long time the largest and most magnificent structure made by mortal hands, rivaling some of the older divine ruins.

  • 20 AeE

    The Aesimic civilizations rise
    Political event

    After a long time of regression the small societies that had gathered around the Aasimar as a last bastion of the divine started to grow and evolve into larger kingdoms and empires. The Aesimic Ear is said to begin at the time the temple-palace in the old city of Genoarad was build.

  • 161 AeE

    The old faith officially established
    Religious event

    After a few centuries of unofficial reverence and worship, the aasimar worshiping old faith got its official start as both religious and political power was focused on the ruling aasimar, and government officials and clergy was very much the same thing.

  • 600 AeE

    5000 AeE

    The Aesimic wars
    Military action

    The aasimar are in power. many small kingdoms, baronies, principalities and empires has formed, and they all want power and control, so they start fighting each other for power, land and coin. The Aesimic wars are not 1 war, nor is it a number of connected wars, rather it is a period of almost constant war between nations for power, until a few ended up on top.

  • 999 AeE

    Loss of magic

    Around this time the knowledge of the arcane arts were lost to the civilizations of the old world.

  • 5000 AeE

    7399 AeE

    The Stagnation period
    Diplomatic action

    Peace settled in the old world, as a few powerful empires arose victorious from the formative period, but were unable, and unwilling to waste time and resources fighting each other. And so a time of peace arose, but also a time of stagnation and extreme tension.

Post Repertum, Age of Discovery

  • 1 PR

    Discovery of the Banished Shores
    Discovery, Exploration

    During an exploratory voyage a single ship from the old world made its way to the shores of the Banished Shores, where the captain saw great opportunity. This was relayed to the monarchs of the old world much to their delight. They immediately sent further exploratory teams to this new continent.

  • 9 PR

    259 PR

    The Discovery wars
    Military action

    After the discovery of the Banished Shores, a period of all out war with the natives follow, that culminates with the victory of the colonists and the complete and utter defeat of the natives.

  • 265 PR

    319 PR

    The great Exodus
    Population Migration / Travel

    At the conclusion of the discovery wars a great many people from the old world take the trip to the new world to find riches and opportunity.

  • 433 PR

    1 Nerullia(deepwinter)

    The Storm gathers
    Disaster / Destruction

    After the colonizers had started settling down on the new continent and was using, and misusing the new magics the arcane energies became unstable and gathered to form a giant impasable storm in the sea seperating the new world from the old.

    The Silver Sea
  • 434 PR

    608 PR

    The Time of Strife

    After the calamity, the colonies and nations of the new world are thrown into chaos.

  • 1056 PR

    1 Mystria(Dawning)

    The party gathers

    The Runaways meet for the first time