Arathi Highlands

The Arathi Highlands is a region located in the southeastern part of Lordaeron, bordering the coast of the Thandol Span. It is known for its rolling hills, lush forests, and scenic waterfalls. The coast of Arathi is rocky, with jagged cliffs and crashing waves that make it difficult for ships to dock. Despite the rough terrain, there are a few small ports and fishing villages scattered along the coast that sustain the local economy.   The Arathi Highlands is also home to a number of key strategic locations, such as the ruined city of Stromgarde and the Arathi Basin, which was once a site of intense conflict between the Horde and Alliance. The area has seen much violence and bloodshed over the years, as various factions have fought for control of the region.   In recent times, the Arathi Highlands have become a more peaceful place, with many former enemies setting aside their differences to work towards a common goal. The region is now home to a mix of humans, dwarves, and other races, who coexist in relative harmony. However, the scars of past battles are still visible, and tensions can still flare up between different factions.   Despite its troubled past, the Arathi Highlands remains a place of great natural beauty, with stunning vistas and diverse wildlife. It is a land ripe for exploration, with hidden treasures waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to venture into its wilds.
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