Crimson Sails

Current Status

The Crimson Sails were lead by Logan Koldfeather. They were destroyed by the Ironbound.  


  The Crimson Sails were once a proud and noble pirate crew, composed of Sin'dorei warriors who had grown disillusioned with the state of Silvermoon City and set out to explore the open seas. Led by their fierce and charismatic leader, Logan Koldfeather, they sailed the waters with a sense of purpose and honor, conducting themselves as noble soldiers of their people.   The Crimson Sails' ship was a majestic vessel, adorned with the iconic crimson sails that had become the crew's namesake. With their black hair and golden skin, the Sin'dorei pirates stood proud of their heritage, and were renowned for their skills with the helm and steel. They were respected and feared by many, but their actions were always guided by a sense of honor and a code of ethics that set them apart from the more ruthless and cutthroat pirate crews.   The Crimson Sails established their own island stronghold, Daywake Isle, which served as a base of operations for their ventures and as a hub for trade with the Horde and factionless sailors. The island was surrounded by treacherous waters, and the tide rolled away from the isle at night, and towards it during the daylight, such was its fate.   However, their fortunes took a dark turn when they crossed paths with the Ironbound pirates. A fierce battle ensued, and despite their courage and determination, the Crimson Sails were ultimately overpowered and decimated by their ruthless foes. Logan Koldfeather was among the casualties, and the once-proud pirate crew was left shattered and defeated.   The legacy of the Crimson Sails lives on, however, in the tales of their noble exploits and their unwavering commitment to honor and righteousness. Though their time on the high seas was brief, their impact was profound, and they will always be remembered as one of the most legendary pirate crews to ever sail the waters of Azeroth.
Dissolution Date
41 ADP
Leader Title
Notable Members