Elenar Green

Elenar is a paladin of the Holy Light, and a member of Blackwater.   Their skills at Light-wielding are renown, their belief strong in their own morals and justice. They favor a hand-and-a-half sword and are as dangerous with that as they are with their magical powers.   History As a paladin previously in service to the Alliance, Elenar had a disposition towards favoring their allies in judgement. Spending time with more neutral allies meant a brief lapse in the paladin's ability to wield the Light, as their world was cast into doubt by fresh realizations and new companions.   Now, with the heavy knowledge on their shoulders that the law is a flawed creature and how elusive the truth can be, they are stronger and more determined to do what is good and right to the best of their ability. Blackwater's faction-neutral policy and Light-blessed leaders are an ideal place for this paragon of truth.
Aligned Organization