Eletta Stein

Eletta Stein was born in Lordaeron proper near Mardenholde the capital of the once proud region of resolute humanity. She was taken from Mardenholde by a wealthy noble that escaped on one of his ships, the others succumbing to the plague that rot the north from the inside out after Arthas slain King Menethil.   The woman was a gifted abbot of the light, often participating in their choir in the Cathedral of the Holy Light. The church had its assorted history of dark deeds turning Eletta from the teachings they had to offer, where she would eventually become a traveling singer for many shady places, most notably spire three, seven, and four. Recently Eletta Stein known to be the singer for the Harlots has taken to performing at the Nifty Lake a Tavern owned and operated by Tarric DeSirrus the youngest of the DeSirrus line.