
Humans in Azeroth are one of the most numerous and influential races in the game's lore. They are typically depicted as a tall, strong, and intelligent species, with a wide range of physical appearances and personalities.   In Azeroth lore, humans are known for their tenacity, adaptability, and resilience in the face of adversity. They are a diverse and varied people, with different cultures, languages, and beliefs depending on their geographical location and historical background.   Humans in Azeroth are known for their mastery of technology and magic, and they are skilled in a wide range of professions, including warriors, mages, priests, and craftsmen. They are also known for their complex political and social structures, with various kingdoms and city-states vying for power and influence in the world of Azeroth.   In terms of appearance, humans in Azeroth have a wide range of skin tones, hair colors, and facial features. They are often depicted wearing armor or robes, and are known for their iconic armor sets, such as the Paladin's Judgment armor or the Warrior's Dreadnaught armor.   Overall, humans in Azeroth are a diverse and dynamic race, known for their strength, intelligence, and adaptability in the face of adversity. They are an integral part of the game's lore and story, and have played a pivotal role in shaping the history and destiny of Azeroth.