Scarlet Crusade

The Scarlet Crusade is a fanatical organization that is dedicated to the eradication of all undead, regardless of their alliance. They are led by High General Abbendis and are primarily composed of humans, with some dwarves and other races as well.   In terms of naval power, the Scarlet Crusade is known to have a formidable fleet of ships that patrol the waters around Lordaeron and other parts of Azeroth. These ships are often painted red and emblazoned with the Crusade's emblem, a white sunburst on a red background.   The Scarlet fleet is notorious for attacking ships that they believe are carrying undead or undead sympathizers, regardless of their actual allegiance. This has led to many conflicts with other pirate crews, who see the Scarlet Crusade as an unwanted interference in their affairs.   Despite their naval power, the Scarlet Crusade has suffered significant losses over the years, particularly in their battles against the undead Scourge. Nonetheless, they continue to be a significant force in the world of Azeroth, and their ships are a formidable sight to behold on the high seas.
Religious, Cult
Controlled Territories