The Church of the Eternal Flame


  Eternal Flame is a religious cult that had many followers among humans of the Corvan Empire. It was founded in Corvan, where it was practically law, and the city served as the religion's de facto capital. The cult is led by an elected Hierarch, who's chosen by the Electoral College, with the seat currently being occupied by Avilius Vance.   The religion of the Eternal Flame is a very aggressive faith which fights against all abnormal beings such as nonhumans, witches and, of course, beasts. Occasionally, even human mages aren't welcome in cities that believe in the Eternal Fire.   Worshippers of the Eternal Flame believe in the undying flame as a symbol of survival and a guide through darkness. They view it as a harbinger of progress and better days to come. Clerics of the Eternal Flame oversee the faithful as well as their temples, where flames burn continuously.

Public Agenda

The Church of Eternal Flame seek the extinction of the Fey, as well as the extinction of magic altogether in the Bloodstained Coast

May the Eternal Flame soothe you

         Flame Inquisitors