The Kingdom of Laria


Since the Civil War of Redemption Laria has been a constitutional monarchy, a chamber known as the House of Peers in which one member must be a mage of Eranu and the group may propose laws,must approve the Monarch’s appointments to high positions, and has powers over the Royal Budget, all enshrined in the Magna Tutela. The Monarch does however, have far reaching powers, they are able to refuse to ascend acts passed by the House of Peers to become laws, the monarch may also pass laws on their own, and possess the ability to command the army.

Demography and Population

2.1 million (approximate) The majority of the population are humans with significant minorities of dwarves, gnomes and wood elves. The capital city of Kinallen houses the biggest population, approximately 20 thousand people. The second largest city in Laria is the port city of Estonia holding around 15 thousand people.


The Larian Army has approximately 168 thousand soldiers. The Larian Army is renowned for its calvary being able to wield bows on horseback. The Larian army's calvary contain two division, the Lancers and The Archers. They also have Knights, Foot soldiers and War mages at their disposal.

Views on Magic

The peoples of Laria view magic with deep suspicion. Those born with magical capabilities are sent to Eranu for extensive training to control their abilities, and given the opportunity to join the War Mage Division of Laria, it is for this reason that the Larian Mage Divison is the strongest in Northern Kingdoms.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
House of Peers