The Order of the Watch


  The Order of the Watch is a military order which holds and guards the mountains that separate the Bloodstained Coast from the rest of Vasteras to keep fiends and other monstrosities from crossing into the Western kingdoms. The Order of the Watch is organized in three departments: the Wardens, who fight, defend the castles and patrol the Frostlands and the Barren Waste; the Builders, who maintain the Wall and the castles; and the Stewards, who support and feed the members of the Watch. Recruiters commonly known as "wandering eye" travel to the cities of western Vasteras to gather up new recruits to join the Order of the Watch. Recruiters are few in number, and they are not considered a separate order in the Watch. Instead, they are drawn from trusted members of the three orders, often those who can no longer fight well due to injuries but who can still travel.


Men of the Order of the Watch are divided between three different orders: the Wardens, the Builders, and the Stewards. Each order is led by its own officer, each appointed by the Lord Commander of the Watch: the First Warden, First Builder, and First Steward (who is sometimes interchangeably called Lord Steward).
  • Wardens- the true warriors of the Watch. While all watchers are expected to have some basic arms training and to take up a sword in defense of the castles, the Wardens are the ones who are sent on dangerous scouting expeditions beyond the castles, to track demon movements. The Watch often form core fighting groups to destroy large monster warbands who attempted to pass south of the mountains.
  • Builders - who physically maintain the structures of the Order of the Watch, and repair the castles itself. Miners, masons, foresters, carpenters and other such roles are part of the Builders.
  • Stewards - who provide for the day-to-day needs of the Watch: gathering, cooking, and serving food, repairing clothes and equipment, tending to the horses and messenger-ravens, and gathering firewood. Due to its catering, technical and quartermaster functions, the Stewards are by far the largest of the three orders.


The leader of the Order of the Watch is the Lord Commander. Each Lord Commander serves for life, and a new Lord Commander is democratically elected from any of the watchers by all other members of the Watch during the Ordination.   A Lord Commander is relieved of their duties by death, the violation of their oath, or is medically unfit to lead.

Public Agenda

Their original purpose was to defend against the Night Walkers, but after the demons' disappearance, the order was also tasked with keeping other dangers at bay. They now protect the Bloodstained Coast from threats beyond their Northern and Eastern border, such as Demons and Monstrosities, and, should the need arise, Night Walkers. They maintain 30 castles that house their men along the mountains that borders the Northern and Eastern edge of the Bloodstained Coast.


As of now The Order of the Watch house around 15,000 members comprised of Wardens, Builders, and Stewards. The Watch is a respected order and does not involve themselves in the squabbles of the kingdoms to their West. They are seen as a neutral force and its only goal is to protect the people of the Bloodstained Coast.

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.

Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
The Watch
Training Level