A Telling of the Tale of the Eternal Twins

"Let me tell you the story of the Eternal Twins," the old man chuckled as the children gathered around him at the festival, their parents watching from nearby as they stopped to listen as well, the crowd falling silent as the storyteller's voice rose, "The tale of Lyra and Thane, Blessed Champions of Liora and Mortis."   "In a time long before the Bloom and the chaos that followed, there existed a peaceful village at the edge of a vast, enchanted forest. This village was blessed with harmony and prosperity, its people living in balance with nature and the divine. Among the villagers were twins, Lyra and Thane, known for their deep connection with the gods Liora and Mortis."   The old man paused, looking around to ensure that he had his audience enraptured, before continuing on.   "Lyra, the elder by mere minutes, was vibrant and full of life. Her laughter was like the song of birds, and her presence brought joy and energy to all who met her. Thane, the younger, was calm and introspective, with a serene aura that brought peace and comfort to those around him. The twins were inseparable, their bond unbreakable, each complementing the other's strengths and weaknesses."   With a laugh, the man leaned back, looking up at the sky, as though recalling a distant memory.   "On their eighteenth birthday, a grand celebration was held in their honor. As the night grew dark, the villagers gathered around a great bonfire, singing praises to Liora and Mortis. It was then that the sky above split open, and the twin gods descended in a radiant beam of light. The villagers fell silent in awe as Liora, the goddess of Birth, and Mortis, the god of Death, approached the twins."   "What did they do?" a child called out, the crowd shushing them as the old man just laughed again, continuing his story unperterbed by the interruption.   " "Liora and Mortis have chosen you," the village elder proclaimed. "You are to be their champions, to spread their teachings and guide the world in understanding the balance of life and death." "   The old man paused again, as if waiting for another interruption, only smiling when none came.   "And so Liora stepped forward, her presence warm and nurturing. "Lyra, I bestow upon you the gift of eternal life," she declared. "You shall never age, never succumb to illness, and your spirit will forever be a beacon of vitality and hope."   Mortis followed, his presence calm and soothing. "Thane, I grant you the power to guide souls to the afterlife," he announced. "You shall help those who pass from this world find peace, and your wisdom will bring comfort to those who mourn." "   The crowd remained hushed as the man reached up and began fiddling with a small pendant hanging aorund his neck, a simple piece of metal, the image on it worn smooth decades ago.   "With these blessings," he continued after a moment, "The twins embarked on their journey, their paths forever intertwined. Lyra traveled far and wide, spreading joy and hope, her eternal youth inspiring those she met. She healed the sick, aided the weary, and her laughter brought life to even the most desolate places. People came to know her as the Eternal Maiden, a living testament to the gift of life bestowed by Liora.   Thane, meanwhile, became known as the Silent Guide. He walked the lands, offering solace to the dying and guiding their spirits to the afterlife. His presence brought peace to the grieving, and his wisdom helped many come to terms with loss. Through Thane, Mortis's gift of a gentle, comforting death became understood and accepted."   "Weren't they lonely without each other?" another child asked softly, the old man smiling kindly at the girl as he continued to speak.   "Despite their separate paths, the twins never lost their connection. They would meet at the turning of each season, sharing stories of their journeys and the lives they had touched. Their bond remained a symbol of the balance between life and death, their shared experiences enriching their understanding of both.   Years turned into decades, and the legends of the Eternal Maiden and the Silent Guide spread far and wide. The twins' teachings became the foundation of many cultures, their lives a testament to the eternal cycle of birth and death. They were revered as saints, their stories told to generations as a reminder of the delicate balance of existence."   The old man paused once more, his smile turning sombre as he spoke the next part of his tale.   "One day, after centuries of guiding souls and spreading joy, the twins received a vision from Liora and Mortis. It was time for their final journey, a test of their understanding and acceptance of the balance they had championed. They met in a sacred grove, where the air was thick with the presence of the divine.   Liora and Mortis appeared before them once more. "You have fulfilled your roles as our champions," Liora said, her voice filled with pride and love.   "It is time for you to join us," Mortis added, his tone gentle and kind.   Lyra and Thane looked at each other, their hearts filled with both sorrow and acceptance. They understood that their journey was coming to an end, but their bond would never be broken. With a final embrace, they ascended to the heavens, their spirits forever united with the gods they had served. And that is the Tale of the Eternal Twins."   "Wow!" the children gasped, looking at each other in excitement and amazement, before turning back to the old man, "Tell us another story!"   But the old man was gone, as though he had never even been there, only a small, worn pendant lying on the bench on which he had been sat, the barely visible symbol of Mortis embossed on its face.

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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