Aetherium Inoculation Kit

The Aetherium Inoculation Kit is a vital tool for adventurers, researchers, and medical personnel working in Bloom-infested areas or other hazardous environments in Largitas. This kit provides a means of boosting the body’s resistance to Bloom spores and other magical contaminations through the use of Aetherium, a rare and powerful substance.   The Aetherium Inoculation Kit is an essential tool for anyone venturing into the dangerous and unpredictable landscapes of Largitas, providing crucial protection and enhancing the chances of survival against the pervasive threat of the Bloom.

Mechanics & Inner Workings


Clean the injection site with an antiseptic swab.
Wear protective gloves to handle the Aetherium vials and syringes.   Administration
Draw the appropriate dose of Aetherium essence into a sterilized syringe.
Inject the Aetherium serum into the bloodstream following the guidelines in the instruction manual.
Apply a magical seal to the injection site to aid absorption and provide additional protection.   Post-Inoculation Care
Monitor the recipient for any adverse reactions.
Ensure the recipient rests and hydrates, as the body may need time to adjust to the Aetherium infusion.  


Enhanced Resistance: Increases the body’s resistance to Bloom spores, reducing the risk of infection and contamination.
Healing Boost: Accelerates the healing process, aiding recovery from injuries and illnesses caused by magical contamination.
Magical Protection: Provides a temporary shield against harmful magical effects and environmental hazards.  


Dosage: Follow the recommended dosage carefully to avoid potential side effects or overexposure to Aetherium.
Allergies: Ensure the recipient has no known allergies to Aetherium or its components.
Storage: Keep the vials in the portable cooling case to maintain their potency.
Large Aetherium Inoculation Kit by Appy Pie Design
Item type
Raw materials & Components
Aetherium Vials
Description: Small, securely sealed vials containing Aetherium essence.
Uses: The primary ingredient for inoculations, providing magical resistance and healing properties.   Sterilized Syringes
Description: Single-use syringes designed for administering Aetherium-based serums.
Uses: Ensures safe and accurate delivery of Aetherium into the bloodstream.   Antiseptic Swabs
Description: Pre-packaged swabs soaked in antiseptic solution.
Uses: Cleans the injection site to prevent infection.   Instruction Manual
Description: A detailed guide on the proper usage and dosage of Aetherium inoculations.
Uses: Provides step-by-step instructions to ensure safe and effective administration.   Protective Gloves
Description: A pair of magically reinforced gloves to protect the user during the inoculation process.
Uses: Prevents accidental contamination and exposure to Aetherium.   Magical Seals
Description: Small, adhesive seals imbued with protective spells.
Uses: Applied to the injection site post-inoculation to enhance the body’s absorption of Aetherium and provide additional protection.   Portable Cooling Case
Description: A compact, enchanted case that keeps Aetherium vials at a stable, low temperature.
Uses: Ensures the Aetherium essence remains potent and effective.

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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