Bloom Touched

The Bloom Touched are creatures that have been infected with the Bloom but have not yet fully succumbed to its influence. These beings exist in a transitional state, showing signs of Bloom infection while still retaining some aspects of their original nature. The transformation varies greatly depending on the individual and the intensity of the infection.  

Social and Cultural Impact

The Bloom Touched occupy a precarious position in society. They are often viewed with suspicion and fear due to their unpredictable nature and potential for spreading the Bloom. In some regions, they may be ostracized or hunted, while in others, they might be studied or even revered as having a unique connection to the Bloom.  

Treatment and Hope

Efforts to cure or treat the Bloom Touched vary, with some seeking to reverse the infection through alchemical means, divine intervention, or other methods. However, such treatments are often experimental and come with significant risks. Despite the challenges, some Bloom Touched manage to live relatively normal lives, either by controlling their condition or finding ways to coexist with the Bloom's influence.

Basic Information


Physical Changes: The Bloom Touched often exhibit physical alterations, such as fungal growths, bioluminescent patches, or other unnatural features. These changes can range from minor and easily concealed to severe and disfiguring.   Behavioral Changes: While some Bloom Touched retain their original personalities, others may display altered behaviors, becoming more aggressive, docile, or erratic. The Bloom's influence can cloud their judgment and alter their instincts.   Abilities and Powers: The Bloom Touched may develop new abilities, such as enhanced strength, speed, or resilience, as well as unique powers like spore generation or plant manipulation. These abilities are often unpredictable and can be as much a curse as a boon.   Resistance to the Bloom: Some Bloom Touched exhibit a surprising resistance to the full corruption of the Bloom, allowing them to retain a semblance of control over their minds and bodies. This resistance varies, and many eventually succumb fully to the Bloom's influence.

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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