Flame Rifles

Flame Rifles are specialized firearms designed to combat the threats posed by the Bloom in Largitas. These weapons utilize alchemical fuel or magical energy to project intense flames, making them highly effective against the fungal, necrotic, and plant-based entities often associated with the Bloom.  

Usage and Tactical Application

Bloom Combat: Flame Rifles are essential tools in combat against the Bloom, particularly against fungal and plant-based creatures. The intense heat can quickly destroy spores and other materials that could otherwise spread contamination.   Area Denial: The ability to create walls or areas of fire makes Flame Rifles useful for controlling the battlefield, restricting enemy movement, and protecting key positions.   Infestation Cleansing: In urban or wild areas infested with Bloom, Flame Rifles are used to clear large patches of contamination. This is often done in combination with other anti-Bloom measures to prevent regrowth.  

Maintenance and Safety

Maintenance: Regular maintenance is crucial for Flame Rifles, as the intense heat and corrosive nature of the fuel can cause wear and tear. The fuel system, ignition mechanism, and barrel lining all require periodic checks and replacements.   Safety: Due to the volatile nature of the fuel, proper handling and storage are vital. Accidental ignition can be catastrophic, so Flame Rifles are typically only issued to trained personnel.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Fuel Source: The rifles are powered by a special alchemical fuel known as Flame Essence, stored in canisters attached to the weapon. This fuel is a mixture of volatile liquids and magical components, capable of producing a sustained and powerful flame. Some advanced models may also use enchanted crystals or arcane energy sources for an unlimited supply of fire.   Ignition System: The ignition system is triggered by a mechanism similar to that of traditional firearms, but instead of bullets, it ignites the fuel to produce a stream of flame. This system can be adjusted to control the intensity and range of the fire.  

Types of Flame Rifles

Standard Flame Rifle: The most common type, featuring a moderate range and flame intensity. It's versatile and easy to handle, making it popular among soldiers and adventurers.   Heavy Flame Rifle: A larger and more powerful variant designed for heavy-duty use. It has a larger fuel tank and can project flames over a wider area, making it ideal for clearing infestations or dealing with particularly tough Bloom creatures.   Sniper Flame Rifle: A specialized model designed for long-range use. It uses a focused jet of fire, allowing it to target specific areas or creatures with precision. This type is often used by marksmen to pick off threats from a distance.  

Features and Abilities

Flame Jet: The primary function of a Flame Rifle is to project a continuous stream of flame. The range and intensity can be adjusted, allowing for controlled bursts or wide sprays.   Incendiary Rounds: Some Flame Rifles can be equipped with incendiary rounds, which are designed to ignite on impact. These rounds are useful for setting targets or areas ablaze, creating barriers of fire, or destroying Bloom infestations.   Anti-Regenerative Effect: The intense heat produced by Flame Rifles can disrupt the regenerative abilities of Bloom creatures. This makes the weapons particularly effective against targets that would otherwise quickly heal from conventional damage.   Purification Fire: Advanced models or those wielded by trained operatives can channel magical energies into the flame, producing Purification Fire. This type of fire is especially effective against corrupted entities and can cleanse areas of Bloom spores and corruption.


Flame Rifles have been wielded by numerous heroes and key figures in the fight against the Bloom. Stories abound of last stands and daring assaults where these weapons turned the tide, earning them a legendary status in the lore of Largitas.


Symbol of Purification: Flame Rifles are often seen as symbols of purification and cleansing, both physically and spiritually. They are revered tools in the fight against the Bloom, representing humanity's resolve to reclaim their world from corruption.   Tactical Roles: In military and BRASC operations, Flame Rifles are usually assigned to specialized units trained in close-quarters combat and siege tactics. These units are often at the forefront of campaigns to reclaim Bloom-infected territories or protect key locations from infestation.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Raw materials & Components
Flame Rifles are crafted with a combination of durable metals and heat-resistant materials to withstand the intense temperatures generated during use. The barrel is typically lined with a special alloy that helps focus and intensify the flame.

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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