
The Hyrdbeast is a hybrid farm animal specifically designed for life on the City Ships of Largitas. Its multi-purpose utility, hardy nature, and adaptability make it an invaluable asset for providing meat, dairy, wool, and fertilizer, all within the constraints of the limited space and resources of a City Ship.

Basic Information


Size: Medium-sized, standing about 4 feet tall at the shoulder and weighing between 500 to 700 pounds.   Build: The Hyrdbeast has a robust and compact build, with a broad body and sturdy legs, allowing it to support a good amount of weight and navigate the confined spaces of the City Ships.   Coat: Its coat is short and dense, adapted to regulate body temperature in varying conditions. It often has a mottled or striped pattern in earthy tones, which helps with camouflage and protection from environmental elements.

Biological Traits

Resourceful: The Hyrdbeast is a dual-purpose animal, producing both meat and milk, as well as having a high yield of wool-like fur that can be used for textiles.   Hardy: It is specifically bred to handle the varying conditions aboard City Ships, including limited space, fluctuating temperatures, and constrained feeding resources.

Genetics and Reproduction

Breeding: The Hyrdbeast is a hybrid of several species, including domesticated cattle, hardy goats, and resilient pigs. This crossbreeding was undertaken to create a versatile animal capable of providing multiple types of resources in a single, adaptable form.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Adaptable Diet: The Hyrdbeast can thrive on a diet of specially formulated feed made from nutrient-dense grains and plants, supplemented by foraging in controlled environments.


Docile: Hyrdbeasts are bred for a calm and docile temperament, making them easier to manage in the confined spaces of a City Ship. They are social animals, which helps them adapt to communal living with other Herdbeasts and humans.   Gregarious: They tend to form strong bonds with one another, which is beneficial for their overall well-being and ease of handling.

Additional Information


Controlled Breeding: Hyrdbeasts are bred under controlled conditions to maintain their desirable traits and ensure the health of the population.   Veterinary Care: Regular check-ups and veterinary care are provided to keep the Herdbeasts healthy and to address any issues that arise.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Purpose: The Hyrdbeast was intentionally bred to serve as a multi-purpose animal for City Ships, where space and resources are limited. Its design ensures it meets the diverse needs of ship inhabitants.   Meat Production: The Hyrdbeast provides a reliable source of meat, essential for the diet of City Ship inhabitants.   Dairy: Its milk is used to produce dairy products such as cheese and butter, which are crucial for nutrition and variety in the diet.   Wool/Fur: The wool-like fur can be sheared and used for textiles, clothing, and insulation, contributing to the self-sufficiency of the City Ships.   Manure: Its waste is used as fertilizer for growing plants in hydroponic gardens or controlled farming environments aboard the ships.
Hyrdbeast by Appy Pie Design

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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