Myth of the Fading Light

Long ago, the Heralds of Darkness were sealed away in the deepest recesses of existence, ancient and malevolent beings whose power was antithetical to the divine order. But the day would come, legend foretells, when these Heralds would awaken and rise once more.   The first to awaken would be Nalthor, the Herald of Shadow. With his arrival, the sun's radiance would dim, and the moon's silver light would fade. Shadows would lengthen and grow, covering the world in an unending twilight. The very essence of light would be sapped away, plunging the land into a chill, oppressive darkness where hope struggled to survive.   Following him would be Veraxis, the Herald of Famine, whose presence would bring a blight upon the world. Fields that once flourished would wither and die, rivers would dry, and the earth would crack and split under the weight of hunger. Famine would spread, leaving the land barren and the people desperate. Starvation would haunt the populace, turning friend against friend, neighbor against neighbor.   Then, Sanguinax, the Herald of Blood, would stir from his ancient slumber. His voice, a whisper of madness, would echo through the minds of mortals, inciting war and conflict. Once peaceful nations would be torn asunder by civil strife, and the blood of the innocent and guilty alike would stain the earth. In the chaos, even the closest bonds would fray, and the world would be engulfed in the flames of war.   Last to rise would be Cthonis, the Herald of Silence, who would bring a deathly stillness upon the land. The joyful songs of birds, the babbling of brooks, and even the whispers of the wind would cease. A profound silence, heavy and oppressive, would blanket the world, draining the spirits of all who dwelled within it. In this quiet, despair would find fertile ground, and the courage of heroes would falter.   As the Heralds of Darkness gathered strength, the world would experience the Dimensional Fracture, a cataclysmic event where the boundaries between the mortal realm and the divine would shatter. The gods, once the stalwart guardians of balance, would find their powers waning. Ignara, the God of Fire, would struggle to control rampant infernos. Terran, the God of Earth, would fail to hold the land together as earthquakes tore the world apart. Aguan, the Goddess of Water, would lose command of the seas, unleashing monstrous waves upon coastal cities. Aeris, the God of Air, would be powerless against the hurricanes that ravaged the skies.   The Gathering Storm would then arrive, a portentous omen that heralded the world's descent into chaos. Dark clouds, thick and suffocating, would blanket the sky, obscuring the sun, moon, and stars. This celestial shroud would mark the beginning of the end, as the world was plunged into darkness. The Heralds would grow in power, feeding on the fear and despair that gripped the hearts of the people.   In this time of despair, the prophecy spoke of a final, apocalyptic battle known as the Eclipse of the End. The gods themselves would descend from the heavens, leading their followers in a desperate stand against the Heralds of Darkness. The Chosen of the Gods, mortals blessed with divine power, would rise to fight alongside the deities. Armed with legendary weapons and ancient magic, they would confront the Heralds and their minions in a battle that would determine the fate of the world.

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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