
Necrocrystal is a rare and ominous mineral found in certain areas of Largitas, particularly in regions heavily affected by the Bloom. It is known for its dark, glass-like appearance, often tinged with eerie hues ranging from deep purple to black, and occasionally exhibiting a faint, ghostly luminescence. Necrocrystal is associated with death and decay, and its properties make it both a valuable resource and a dangerous substance to handle.   Necrocrystal is a powerful and enigmatic material with both incredible potential and significant risks. Its ability to channel necrotic energy makes it invaluable in certain magical practices, but its dangers cannot be overlooked. Whether used in the crafting of dark artifacts or the study of necromantic magic, Necrocrystal remains a material shrouded in mystery and controversy in the world of Largitas.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Necrotic Energy Conduction: Necrocrystal is an excellent conductor of necrotic energy, making it a valuable component in necromantic rituals and spells. It can amplify the effects of such magic, making it a sought-after material for necromancers and those who dabble in the darker arts.   Decay Resistance: Despite its association with death and decay, Necrocrystal itself is highly resistant to physical degradation. This makes it useful in the creation of items meant to last, even in harsh or corrupting environments.   Dark Aura: Items crafted from Necrocrystal often possess a palpable dark aura. This can be unsettling to those who are sensitive to magical energies, and prolonged exposure can lead to feelings of unease or even mental distress.   Corruptive Influence: While potent, Necrocrystal can have a corrupting influence on both the wielder and the surrounding environment. Prolonged exposure or use can lead to physical and psychological changes, making it a dangerous material to work with.   Binding Properties: Necrocrystal is known to be used in binding rituals, particularly those involving spirits or undead. It can anchor spirits to a location or item, making it useful in the creation of haunted objects or in the binding of powerful entities.

Origin & Source

Necrocrystal is believed to form in places where the boundaries between life and death are thin, often in areas where significant amounts of death and decay have occurred, such as old battlefields, graveyards, or Bloom-infested regions. It is thought to be a byproduct of the energies released by the Bloom, which interact with the earth and minerals, leading to the crystallization of these unique and potent stones.  


The process of Necrocrystal formation is still not fully understood, but it is speculated that the mineral absorbs ambient necrotic energy, which gives it its distinctive properties. As such, it is often found near areas of significant Bloom activity or where powerful necromantic events have taken place.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Necromantic Artifacts: Due to its ability to conduct necrotic energy, Necrocrystal is often used in the creation of necromantic artifacts. These can range from weapons and armor that drain life energy from foes, to talismans and wands that amplify necromantic spells.   Ritual Components: In necromantic rituals, Necrocrystal is used as a focus to channel and amplify dark energies. It is particularly valued in rituals that involve the raising of the dead or communication with spirits.   Corruption Resistance: In some cases, Necrocrystal is used in the construction of items or structures designed to resist the corrupting influence of the Bloom. Its decay-resistant properties make it useful for building in areas where the Bloom is prevalent.   Magical Experimentation: Scholars and alchemists often study Necrocrystal for its unique properties, seeking to understand its formation and potential uses. While dangerous, it offers insights into the nature of necrotic energies and the Bloom.

Challenges and Limitations

Dangerous to Handle: Necrocrystal's corruptive influence makes it dangerous to handle. Prolonged exposure can lead to physical and mental health issues, including madness, physical mutations, or a gradual loss of life force.   Ethical Concerns: The use of Necrocrystal is controversial, particularly in cultures that view necromancy and death magic with suspicion or outright hostility. Its association with death and decay often leads to negative stigmas, and those who use or study Necrocrystal may be ostracized or persecuted.   Rarity and Cost: Due to its specific formation conditions, Necrocrystal is rare and expensive. Acquiring it often involves dangerous expeditions into Bloom-infested areas or other perilous locations.   Instability: Necrocrystal can be unstable, especially when exposed to strong magical energies. It can shatter or explode under certain conditions, releasing dangerous amounts of necrotic energy.

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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