Purity Flasks

Purity Flasks are specially designed containers used to store and purify water and other liquids, ensuring they are safe for consumption. These flasks are a crucial tool for adventurers, explorers, and anyone traveling through areas where clean water is scarce or contamination is a concern, especially in regions affected by the Bloom. Purity Flasks are typically made from durable, lightweight materials such as reinforced glass or metal alloys. They feature intricate designs that often include magical runes or symbols etched onto their surface. The flasks come in various sizes, ranging from small, easily portable bottles to larger containers for extended journeys.

Mechanics & Inner Workings


The primary enchantment on Purity Flasks is a purification spell that actively removes impurities and harmful substances from any liquid stored within them. This enchantment can neutralize toxins, pathogens, and Bloom spores, making the liquid safe to drink or use in alchemical processes. The purification process is continuous and can cleanse even highly contaminated liquids over time.  


Water Purification: The most common use of Purity Flasks is to purify drinking water. Adventurers and travelers can fill their flasks from any water source, confident that the flask will render the water safe to drink. This is particularly crucial in areas where clean water is scarce.
Alchemical Preparations: Alchemists use Purity Flasks to store and purify ingredients and solutions, ensuring their experiments and concoctions are not compromised by impurities. The flask's enchantment guarantees the integrity of sensitive alchemical processes.
Medical Applications: In medical settings, Purity Flasks are used to store and purify medicinal solutions, ensuring they remain potent and free of contamination. This is especially important in areas affected by the Bloom, where even small amounts of contamination can be dangerous.
Field Research: Researchers studying the Bloom and other environmental hazards rely on Purity Flasks to safely collect and store samples of contaminated liquids for analysis. The flasks prevent the spread of contamination and preserve the integrity of the samples.  


Immediate Use: When a liquid is poured into a Purity Flask, the enchantment begins working immediately, with most impurities being neutralized within minutes. Highly contaminated liquids may take longer to purify, but the process is generally efficient and reliable.
Self-Cleaning: The flask's enchantment also prevents buildup of contaminants within the container, keeping it perpetually clean and ready for use. This self-cleaning property makes maintenance easy and ensures the flask remains effective over long periods.
Indicator Runes: Many Purity Flasks feature small runes or symbols that glow when the purification process is complete, providing a visual indication that the liquid is safe to use. These runes are part of the enchantment and help users quickly determine when their water or solution is ready.  


Capacity: Purity Flasks come in various sizes, but their capacity is generally limited to a few liters. For large-scale purification needs, multiple flasks or additional purification methods may be required.
Enchantment Durability: While the enchantment on a Purity Flask is durable, it can degrade over time with heavy use. Periodic recharging or re-enchantment may be necessary to maintain its effectiveness.
Purification Time: The time required to purify highly contaminated liquids can be longer than for relatively clean water. Users must be patient and allow the enchantment to work fully, especially when dealing with potentially dangerous contaminants.  


Specialized Purity Flasks may include additional enchantments for specific uses, such as enhanced durability for rough travel conditions, or faster purification for emergency situations. Some flasks are designed with built-in filters to complement the magical purification process, providing an extra layer of protection against physical impurities.


Purity Flasks hold a special place in the culture of Largitas, symbolizing the importance of purity and cleanliness in a world tainted by the Bloom. They are often gifted to young adventurers or scholars as a rite of passage, representing a commitment to safeguarding oneself and others from contamination.
Item type
Crafting a Purity Flask requires a skilled enchanter and high-quality materials. The process involves imbuing the flask with purification magic and ensuring it is properly sealed to maintain its enchantment. Purity Flasks are highly valued and can be expensive, but their utility and reliability make them a worthy investment for anyone operating in hazardous environments.

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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