Revelation of the Hidden Blight

Date of Issuance:

Year 60 AtB  


The document was officially released by the Calgalli Empire after growing international pressure and internal strife, exposing their decision to conceal the initial Bloom outbreak from the other kingdoms.  


The "Revelation of the Hidden Blight" is a significant document that exposed the Calgalli Empire’s initial concealment of the Bloom outbreak. It provided a detailed account of the Bloom’s origins, the consequences of its spread, and the Empire’s subsequent apology and commitment to transparency. Its release marked a critical moment in the history of Largitas, influencing diplomatic relations, policy changes, and historical understanding of the Bloom crisis.

Document Structure


1. Admission of Secrecy:

Acknowledgment: The document begins with a formal acknowledgment of the Calgalli Empire’s decision to withhold information about the Bloom's initial outbreak, which began in 1 AtB.
Rationale: It explains the rationale behind this decision, citing fear of panic, potential destabilization, and the hope that the Bloom could be contained without broader awareness.  

2. Details of the Initial Bloom:

Description: The document provides a detailed description of the Bloom's initial manifestations, including the symptoms, affected areas, and the nature of the Blooming.
Containment Efforts: It outlines the efforts made to contain the Bloom within Calgalli's borders, including quarantine measures and the establishment of containment zones.  

3. Impact and Consequences:

Spread: The document admits that despite containment efforts, the Bloom eventually spread beyond the Calgalli borders, reaching neighboring kingdoms and significantly affecting the broader continent.
Consequences: It outlines the severe consequences of the Bloom's spread, including the collapse of regional economies, displacement of populations, and the rise of Bloom Beasts.  

4. Political and Social Ramifications:

Apologies: The document includes a formal apology to the affected kingdoms and the international community for the deceit and its resulting consequences.
Commitments: It commits to greater transparency and cooperation moving forward, pledging support for collaborative efforts to address and mitigate the Bloom crisis.

Publication Status

Release and Distribution:

Public Release: The document was released to the public and distributed widely to ensure that the information reached all relevant parties. 
Response: Its release prompted widespread outrage and distrust towards the Calgalli Empire, leading to strained diplomatic relations and a re-evaluation of the Empire’s role in the ongoing crisis.

Historical Details


Historical Impact:

Historical Reflection: The "Revelation of the Hidden Blight" is seen as a turning point in Largitas’ history, leading to increased scrutiny of the Calgalli Empire and prompting other nations to reassess their own preparedness and responses to the Bloom.
Policy Changes: It led to the establishment of new protocols for information sharing and crisis management, as well as the formation of international coalitions to address the Bloom more effectively.  


Documentation: The document is preserved in historical archives and remains a critical piece of evidence for scholars studying the Bloom crisis and its origins.
Symbol of Accountability: It serves as a symbol of accountability and transparency, highlighting the importance of openness in the face of global crises.
Report, Incident

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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