Ruhmschwert Field Journal

The original journal that served as the foundation for the renowned Bestiary of Garrick Ruhmschwert is a storied artifact in its own right. This journal, often referred to as the Ruhmschwert Field Journal, is a meticulously kept record of Garrick Ruhmschwert's observations, sketches, and reflections during his extensive explorations of Largitas. The journal is celebrated for its raw, firsthand accounts and detailed documentation of the flora, fauna, and especially the enigmatic creatures affected by the Bloom.   The journal is a testament to the dedication and curiosity that drive exploration and discovery, and it continues to inspire new generations of researchers in Largitas.

Document Structure


The journal is divided into several sections, each representing different periods of Ruhmschwert's explorations. It includes:   Expedition Logs: Detailed day-to-day accounts of his travels, including the conditions faced, encounters with creatures, and interactions with local peoples and cultures. These logs provide invaluable insight into the hardships and challenges of field research in the post-Bloom world.   Sketches and Illustrations: Ruhmschwert was also an accomplished artist. His journal contains numerous hand-drawn sketches and diagrams of creatures, plants, and landscapes. These illustrations are noted for their accuracy and artistic quality, often capturing the essence of the subjects with remarkable detail.   Specimen Descriptions: Detailed descriptions of various creatures and plants, focusing on their physical characteristics, behaviors, and ecological roles. These entries are the precursor to the more polished and organized entries found in the published Bestiary.   Theoretical Notes: The journal also includes Ruhmschwert's musings and theories on the origins and nature of the Bloom, the evolution of creatures within its influence, and the possible connections between the physical and mystical aspects of Largitas.   Cultural Observations: As he traveled, Ruhmschwert recorded his observations of the cultures and societies he encountered. This includes notes on local legends, myths, and the role of various creatures within these narratives. These cultural insights often provided context for the creatures' significance beyond their biological characteristics.

Historical Details


The Ruhmschwert Field Journal was created over several decades, during which Garrick Ruhmschwert embarked on numerous expeditions across Largitas. His journeys took him through dense forests, treacherous mountains, desolate wastelands, and the dangerous Bloom Zones. The journal reflects his dedication and passion for natural history and his keen observational skills.  

Significance and Preservation

The Ruhmschwert Field Journal is considered a priceless artifact, not only for its content but also for its historical and scholarly value. It offers a rare glimpse into the thoughts and methodologies of one of Largitas's most esteemed naturalists. The journal's firsthand accounts provide a vivid picture of the world during a transformative period, marked by the emergence of the Bloom and its profound impact on the ecosystem.


Upon Garrick Ruhmschwert's death, his journal was discovered and carefully studied by scholars of his family. Recognizing its value, they edited and compiled its contents into the formal Bestiary, which has since become a cornerstone of natural history in Largitas. The original journal, however, remains a treasured piece, often studied for its more detailed and unfiltered content.  

Current Status

The Ruhmschwert Field Journal is currently in the care of the Von Ruhmschwert Clan. Stärke von Ruhmschwert, descendant of the famed explorer Garrick Ruhmschwert, and last surviving member of the main branch of the family, currently carries and uses the journal. This invaluable resource provides insights and records that are crucial for those navigating the dangers of the Bloom.
Journal, Scientific

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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